Chapter 3

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Sorry guys but this one isn't in Sydney's POV. I originally made it as an outside POV but the next chapter will be back to Sydney's POV.


   *knock knock* the door opened.

   “Sydney, its already 9 o’clock you should get up” Aunt Martha said.

   “How about another hour…yeah…I’ll be down in an hour…” Sydney mumbled from her bed.

   “Uncle Bob made breakfast though, you should come down soon” Aunt Martha said “Oh and Sydney I wanted to go out shopping today so would you wanna come?”

   Sydney sat up and yawned. “Sure and I’ll be right down”

   Aunt Martha left and Sydney laid back down, so many thoughts raced through her mind as she remembered last night. What a night! All Sydney was really thinking about was that kiss with David.

   As her stomach growled she decided to go eat some breakfast. Walking downstairs the smell of bacon grew stronger.

   “Good morning Sydney” Uncle Bob said

   “Morning Uncle Bob” Sydney responded

   “How bout a nice bacon, egg and cheese sandwich?”

   “Sounds good!”

   After eating breakfast, Sydney hurried upstairs and got ready to go out shopping. Aunt Martha decided to go into the city to show Sydney around. Sydney couldn’t believe it! All these shops and the atmosphere of LA was just how she imagined it.

   As they were walking down some street Sydney suddenly noticed someone walking towards her. He was smiling and waving but she didn’t realize who it was. He finally got closer and Sydney realized it was Ricky, David’s friend.

   “Hey! Sydney right?”Ricky said.

   “Yeah, you’re Ricky right?”

   “Yup” he said with a big smile.

   “Sydney who’s this?” Aunt Martha said as she walked over.

   “Hi, I’m Ricky! I’m a friend of Sydney’s”

   “Wow Sydney already meeting cute boys I see” Aunt Martha teased.

   Sydney started to blush a little. Letting out a nervous giggle she didn’t know what to say.

   “Well thank you” Ricky smiled. “So Sydney do you think I’m cute too?”

   Blushing even more Sydney felt so awkward with her Aunt standing there.

   “umm…sure” Sydney said

   “Well I think your cute to! Well I gotta go meet up with David, it was nice seeing you! You should come hangout with us again here’s my number” Ricky smiled and wrote his number down.

   Sydney could not stop thinking about how Ricky was going to see David. She wanted to go and see him. After that kiss that was all that was running through her mind.

   “Bye Ricky! Talk to you later” Sydney waved and smiled.

   Sydney took the piece of paper and now she realized what if Ricky liked her. He thought she was cute and gave her his number. But what about David? Then again Ricky was cute and so David. Now thinking about the two boys her mind was about to explode. She continued shopping with her Aunt and got a few new things and then went to get lunch.

   “Table for two please” Aunt Martha told the host.

   “Sure, just give me a few minutes” The host answered.

   Sydney decided to quickly go to the bathroom and was stopped on her way back to her Aunt.

   “Sydney?” a familiar voice said.

    Sydney quickly turned to see David’s other friend Jose.

   “Hey Jose right?” She said

   “Yeah, what are you doing here? He said with a smile

   “Getting lunch with my Aunt”

   Aunt Martha had just happened to walk over yet again.

   “Another boy Sydney, and who might this be?”

   “Hi, I’m Jose! You must be Sydney’s Aunt” he said

   “Why yes! Well Sydney we have to go eat now but it was nice meeting you Jose” She started walking away

   “It was nice seeing you Jose” Sydney said

   “It was nice seeing you too, you should come to the beach with us later” Jose said

   “I’ll have to see if my Aunt has anything planned but I think I should be able to go” Sydney responded.

   Writing down his number he handed it to Sydney. Saying goodbye, Sydney walked back to her Aunt. She sat down and couldn’t believe this! She saw Ricky and Jose but not David. It was quite strange actually. Now all Sydney could think about was going to the beach later.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2013 ⏰

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