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Dean walks into the restaurant with Ophelia and Libby rushing in front of him to the table that Sam's at, the younger brother quickly hanging up the phone.

"Hey. Who was that?" Dean asks.

"Ah, I was just ordering pizza." Sam lies as Libby climbs onto his lap.

"Dude, you realize that you're in a restaurant?" Dean asks.

"Yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah. I... just felt like pizza, you know?" Sam says, giving his brother a tight lipped smile.

"Okay, Weirdy McWeirderton." Dean says, sitting down. "So, I think I got something."

"Yeah?" Sam asks.

"Cicero, Indiana. Falls on his own power saw." Dean says.

"And? What, that's it? One power saw?" Sam asks.

"Well.. yeah." Dean nods.

"And you think that this is a case?" Sam asks.

"Well, I don't know. Could be." Dean shrugs.

"I don't know, Dean. I-I--"

"All right, there's something better... better in Cicero than just a case." Dean admits.

"And that is?"

"Lisa Braeden."

"Should I even ask?"

"Remember that road trip I took, uh... gosh, about eight years ago now? You were in Orlando with dad wrapping up that banshee thing." Dean says.

"Yeah. Yeah, the five states, five day--"

"Yeah. Well, kind of. Although I spent most of my time in Lisa Braeden's loft."

"So let me get this straight." Sam says, covering Libby's ears. "You want-- you want to drive all the way to Cicero just to hook up with some random chick?" He asks.

Dean goes to answer, but covers Ophelia's ears.

"She was a yoga teacher. It was the bendiest weekend of my life. Come on. Have a heart, huh? It's my dying wish." Dean says quietly.

"Yeah, well, how many dying wishes are  you gonna get?" Sam asks.

"As many as I can squeeze out. Come on. Smile, Sam! God knows I'm gonna be smiling after 24 hours with Gumby girl." Dean grins, chuckling, and Sam quietly laughs a little as Dean frowns. "Does that make me Pokey?"


Sam, Libby, and Ophelia are at a diner, the girls eating and playing games with each other while Sam researches. Libby and Sam are sitting on one side while Ophelia sits next across from Libby.

The girls are in the middle of Tic-Tac-Toe when a blonde sits next to Ophelia, gaining the attention of all three Winchesters.

"Hello, Sam." The blonde greets.

Sam tenses up, glancing between the blonde and Ophelia cautiously and he scoots Libby closer to him.

"You've been following me since Lincoln." Sam says, shutting his laptop.

"Not much gets by you, huh?" Ruby asks. She takes one of Ophelia's fries making the girl's jaw drops. "Mmm. These are amazing. It's like deep fried crack. Try some."

Sam scoffs.

"That knife you had. You can kill demons with that thing?" Sam asks.

"Sure comes in handy when I have to swoop in and save the damsel in distress." Ruby says.

"Where'd you get it?" Sam asks.

"Skymall." Ruby says, taking the plate of fries.

"Wh-- Sammy." Ophelia whines.

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