Chapter 1

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Abby's POV:

I open my eyes sitting up stretching I yawn rubbing my eyes when I heard Anita's voice from downstairs

"Maria, Abby breakfast!" She called out

I smile getting out of bed and putting on a pink robe I put on my slippers and walked downstairs I smile at Maria she smiles and hugs me as we headed to the kitchen "Buenos días Bernardo, Anita." I greeted sitting down Maria beside me "Abby, remember, English I know you speak both fluently but more English so we fit in." Anita says I nod "Sí Anita." I replied Bernardo looks at me with a smirk I clear my throat "Yes Anita." I whispered they all smile at me "So um I guess you have work today?" I asked Bernardo he nods "Yep, I have work today Abby so does Maria." He says I nod smiling I stand up "Well I'm gonna head out, thank you for breakfast Anita." I say she smiles "You're welcome Abby." She says I smile "Abby, don't forget to take your pocketknife." Bernardo says protectively I smile at him "I'm 18 Bernardo I think I'll be fine." I replied he sighs with a smile and stands up "Alright, but just to be safe." He says tossing it to me I catch it and put it on my pocket.

"Abby your jacket!" Maria yells I stop in my place

"Oh yeah, thanks Maria." I replied taking it and putting it on

"Bye!" I called out

"Bye!" They all replied

I walked out the door and started walking down the street I then noticed a few boys who looked like me had cans of paint I saw one by a huge pile of rubble so I decided to pick up the can when I saw a ton of more white boys dressed in blue, white, and worn out black clothing I panicled but kept calm when I saw the guy in front of the group of teenagers

"He looks cute." I thought to myself

I squint my eyes looking at the group and the guy in the front closer "Wait that's Riff!"

I stood there frozen I was still holding the can of paint and started running away completely freaking out my heart racing "Hey! You girl stop!" Multiple voices yelled in in my direction I look back and see they're almost catching up to me "Let go of the can Abby." I say to myself I waited then I let go of it the can dropping to the ground and continued running and hid in an alley I watch as they picked it up and ran to a wall I look at it and realized that it was the Puerto Rican flag.

A Jet or A Shark ~ Mike Faist/ Riff fanficWhere stories live. Discover now