Chapter 6

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Riff's POV:

I watch as Diesel and A-Rab caught her holding her arms so she couldn't run I smile walking over to her "Let go of me!" She yelled then she sees me as I got closer to her "Now, now boys, don't hurt her." I say they all smirk kinda loosening their grip but still held her "So this is the girl huh Baby John?" I asked him he nods "Yep that's her Riff." He says I watch as she struggles "Oh! She's a fighta!" Diesel cheered "Yep she looks like one Dies." I say to him I get closer to her and out a few strands of hair behind her ear a few beads of sweat rolled down her cheek "Youse a beauty." I say smirking at her I watch as she blushed slightly she opens her mouth but she said something I didn't completely understand at all.

"¿Disculpe?" She asked in Spanish

We all look at her the boys let go of her immediately I gasped at her surprised "Youse a Rican?" I asked her she shook her head frantically "N-no I'se not! I-I'm sorry, I gotta go!" She yelled "I'm sorry!" Then she ran off I watch as she ran away from us I was completely shocked "So...she's a Rican?" Mouthpiece asks looking at me I shrug "I don't know she looks like us, but she also speaks English, maybe she's mixed." I replied they all frowned and shrugged as I smile to myself.

"She was really cute..."

"Alright boys, we're done for the day everyone disperse I'll sees ya at the Dog Days Dance at 10 p.m. tonight." I say to the others they all nod and started walking off I smirk to myself walking around the streets snapping my fingers when I noticed her again she was crossing into The Sharks' territory I was a bit confused why so I decided to follow her she turns around and was face to face with me I guess she heard me snapping "O-oh um hi." She says to me I smirk at her "What's a pretty girl like youse doin over there?" I asked her "Im on my side, sir." She replied trying not to be nervous I smile extending my hand to her

"The name's Riff." I introduced

She smiled "I'm Lucky, well that's my nickname, my real name is Abby, Riff and I-I'm  so sorry about earlier today, I didn't mean to say that." She replies "What ya mean speaking in Spanish?" I asked She nods "Yeah, sorry I-" she got caught off by Bernardo walking over to us "Abby! Lejos de ese chico!"
(Away from that boy!) Bernardo yells to her she looks back at him "¡Vale, Bernardo!" (Okay, Bernardo!) she replies Abby looks back at me "I-I'm so sorry Riff, I gotta go." She says I nod but grab her hand "It's alright Abby, hopefully I'll see youse at the dance tonight." I say softly Abby nodded I kissed her hand, smirking and walked away I overheard her and Bernardo "Are you okay?" He asks "Yes Bernardo I'm fine." She replied I frown "I guess they know one another?" I whisper to myself as I walked into Doc's Drugstore. Hopefully able to talk to Tony about going to the dance with the boys and I because I honestly just want to see Abby. That's all but it would be nice to have my brother there with me, I walk to the back hopefully he'll agree with me and decide to come along I look around "Tony! You in'ere?" I asked around.

A Jet or A Shark ~ Mike Faist/ Riff fanficWhere stories live. Discover now