Chapter 5

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Abby's POV:

"I told him 'Excuse me' in Spanish because I was embarrassed!" I yelled Tony put his hands on my shoulders "Hey, it's okay shh, it's okay Tony's here." He whispers calming me down I look at him as he climbed back onto his ladder putting up some cans on the shelves making space for everything as I smiled at him

"You know what's weird Tony?" I asked him

"What?" He asks

"I like him."

"W-wait, wait a second?" He says stepping down from his ladder he looks at me trying to recoil his thoughts "S-so you're tellin me, y-your best friend that you." He says gesturing to me "Y-you like Riff!?" He asks pointing at the door "Y-you sound mad Tony." I whispered he looks at me "I'm not mad j-just surprised I mean I'm not telling you who to love but Riff is like my brother he's like blood to me b-but Riff, he doesn't stay loyal to his girlfriends, yes plural, he breaks a new heart every week Abs, are you sure this is the boy you want your gullible heart falling for?" He asks me "I-I..." I stutter "I know I'm not supposed to like him like that because of Bernardo but I can't help it he just looks so hot Tony!" I exclaimed "I've never seen a guy like him! Heartbreaker or not I'se gotta try at least, right Tony?" I asked
He looks at me he rubbed his forehead thinking "Well I guess you can give it a go with Riff but you'll need to try to hangout with him." He says I sigh "I-I guess but he already thinks I'm a Puerto Rican, Tony and I bet he already hates me." I say looking down my heart sinking he looks at me then shrugs "I'm not sure Lucky, but I have faith in you." He says hugging me I smile hugging him back

"Thank you Tony." I replied smiling he nods "Anytime." He says I nod and walk up front and head to pay for the perfume, giving Tony the money and put the perfume in my pocket I walk over to Valentina and hug her she hugs me back "Well I guess I'll get going back to my home." I say smiling "Alright Abby." Valentina says softly "Bye Tony." I say he hugs me "Bye, hopefully I'll see you soon Lucky." He replies I hug him back "Me too Tony, alright I have to go bye." I replied waving then walked out the door I whistled snapping my fingers as I walked and crossed over to The Sharks territory when I heard other fingers snapping I turn around and was face to face with Riff. "O-oh um hi." I say meekly he smirks at me "What's a pretty girl like youse doin over there?" Asked Riff "I'm on my side sir." I replied trying to stand my ground he smiles extending his hand "The name's Riff." He introduces I smile "I'm Lucky, well that's my nickname, my real name is Abby, Riff I-I'm so sorry about earlier today, I didn't mean to say that." I replied "What? Ya mean speaking in Spanish?" He asks I nod "Yeah, sorry I-" I got cut off by Bernardo who was walking over to us

"Abby! Lejos de ese chico!"
(Away from that boy!) Bernardo yells to me

"¡Vale, Bernardo!"
(Okay, Bernardo!) I yelled back

I look at Riff "I-I'm so sorry Riff I gotta go." I say he nods but he grabbed my hand "It's alright Abby, hopefully I'll see youse at the dance tonight." He says I smile and nod at him he kissed the back of my hand, smirking at me then walked away I watch as he leaves Bernardo grabs my hand pulling me to him

"Are you okay?" He asks

"Yes Bernardo, I'm fine." I replied

A Jet or A Shark ~ Mike Faist/ Riff fanficWhere stories live. Discover now