Chapter 9

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Abby's POV:

"-Riff." I whisper he smirks "Well, well, Ms. Abby huh? Fancy seeing you here." He says keeping his signature smirk I smile "Hey, Riff yeah I came with my friends." I replied he nods "Bernardo?" He questions I nod "Yeah, actually." I replied he frowns I do as well "S-sorry I know you hate me now so I'll let ya get back to your girlfriend Riff." I replied frowning and walking away before Riff could say anything, as the band started playing I tried hard to not let any tears fall so I walked over to the bleachers sitting behind them and just cried, after I calmed down I fixed my makeup and walked back out but then I saw Tony I smiled but saw Riff hug him I frown then Tony spotted me and smiled I smile I walk over and hugged him he hugged me back he patted my shoulder then of course left me alone with Riff he looks me up and down we were somehow in the middle of the gym and music all of a sudden became loud and upbeat Bernardo, Anita and all the other Puerto Ricans got on one side I look at Riff he smirks and grabs my hand pulling me to his side we watched as Bernardo and Anita started dancing I watch impressed, Riff smirked but playfully scoffed.

He took off his jacket then Bernardo pointed to Riff he smiled grabbing my hand and we began dancing every other Caucasian couple danced behind us showing off Bernardo and Anita, then we all got in a circle. "Alright who's up first in the circle?" Asks an administrator everyone looks at one another then Bernardo walks untitled the circle everyone on his side cheered then he brought up Anita "Alright, next?" The administrator asks I watch as Riff smirks and wink at me he unbuttoned two buttons on his shirt and stepped into the circle everyone on our side cheered and whistles I smile and cheer them Riff held his hand out to me I look at him surprised but I take his hand stepping into the circle Bernardo, Anita and everyone on their side gasped "Abby get away from him!" Bernardo demanded "Hey, not so fast buddy boy." Riff says "Hit it!" He yelled to the band the music started and we began dancing they all back up completely impressed I get real close to Anita and Bernardo and did a kick like how Anita taught me then they started dancing trying to match our intensity I look at Riff

"Follow my lead." I whispered he nods smirking I grab his hand again and he began twirling me around in circles as I was being twirled I went down to the floor then back up everyone cheered for us Riff smirked at me he took both of my hands and he slid me under his legs then brought me back up and twirled me where I faced Bernardo and blew him a kiss then Riff twirled me again then pulled me into his arms Bernardo and Anita were speechless the gym roared with hysterical cheering and whistling Riff and I breathing heavily I turn and hugged him he hugged me back

"Oh my God that was fun!" I cheered he smiles

"I know! I didn't even know you could dance like that!" He cheers I smile

I hug him he hugged me back when I got ripped away from Riff by Bernardo "You stay away from Abby you hear me!" He yelled "Bernardo stop! All we did was dance!" I defended stepping in front of Riff he pointed at me "You know better than to dance with this Gringo boy Abby!" He yells "She's not like you Bernardo! She's not your own kind!" Riff yelled putting me behind him Bernardo and Riff got in each other's faces "What did you say?" He yelled "Yeah you heard me she ain't one of you Bernardo!" Riff yelled Bernardo instantly punches Riff held his face then punched him back Bernardo goes to hit him again but I grab my pocket knife, stepped in between them and quickly pointed the knife at both of them.

"Enough fighting!" I yelled

I point the blade at Bernardo "All I wanted was someone to dance with Bernardo and Riff offered, you don't need to get upset because I'm dancing with him." I say "And you!" I yell at Riff pointing the blade at him "You don't have the right to say who or what group I belong in sure I look and act like your kind Riff but they took care of me!" Then I look at both of them "Now please let's just have a decent time." I say putting the knife away
me!" they both nod at me then at each other
then Bernardo sees Maria with Tony and goes over to them Riff follows me I get in between Maria and Bernardo and Riff in between Tony and Anita "Keep away from my little sister Tony!" Bernardo yelled Tony glares and walks off I watch Maria goes after Tony but Anita grabs her hand I go after Tony but Riff grabs my hand I look at him "Leave him be, he'll be ok." He says I nod he looks at me smirking he takes my hand I smile at him then Bernardo looks at me "Come on Abby we're going home." He says I sigh "Fine." I replied I look at Riff "Bye Riff, thank you for the lovely dance." I replied he smirks and kissed my hand "You're very welcome Abby." He says softly I smile "I'll see you around." I replied he nods as I walk over to Bernardo, Maria, Anita and Chino as we headed outside and back home headed into my room and fell flat onto my bed as I recalled the "fun" time.

A Jet or A Shark ~ Mike Faist/ Riff fanficWhere stories live. Discover now