୧♥⌠Chapter 13⌡♥୨

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{December 23, XXXX}

Now it is time for the winter festival! It will last all weekend in the afternoon through night (Friday-Sunday). So many friends and family are extremely excited to participate in this anticipating event that the students have worked hard for. Decorations, steamy foods, hot cocoa, coffee, and everything else are all set and ready! This Friday there was no class time for the students, so they were all just preparing themselves. 

"*sneezes* Geez i-it's s-so cold" Zenitsu shivered as he had just arrived at school. He glances around the school entrance full of Christmas lights and saw groups of people but not the one he was looking for. Then, a sudden shout of his name was called out. "Zenitsu! You made it!" the burgundy-colored hair boy cheerfully waves at him. "H-hey T-Tanjirou!" the blonde boy continued shaking his words from the cold. "Oh are you cold? Let's get you inside!" Tanjirou walks into the school building as Zenitsu quickly follows. 

"Uhh I was wondering where's Inosuke? Is he here yet?" Zenitsu inquires as he slowly begins to warm up. His question took Tanjirou by a little surprise, and it made Tanjirou to try not to tease him. He gave him a subtle smirk and answered, "well he's currently looking around at the food stalls...hopefully he's not destroying anything."

Zenitsu facepalms and groans. "He better not! If he is, wanna go stop him together?" Tanjirou politely declines and informs him that he promised to go see Kanao right now. Zenitsu nods it off to show that he understands and goes to the food stalls. Expecting to see disaster as he looks around but also hoping to see the boar boy. "*mumbles* Where the hell is he" the blonde boy felt hungry since the aroma of the food is surrounding him. And of course, Inosuke is found at the tempura stand stuffing his face with both the shrimp and surprisingly the veggie tempura. 

He walks up behind him and slaps the back of his head. "HOW MUCH DID YOU EAT?? ARE YOU EVEN GONNA BE ABLE TO PAY ALL OF THE THAT??" Zenitsu shouted at him, and then Inosuke turns to him with oil and crumbs on his face confused as fuck. "THE HELL?? SHE SAID IT WAS FREE!!" Then, the person in charge of the stand which is one of the students comes up to them. "It was only FREE if you ate SOME of it, Inosuke. With this much, you're gonna have to pay! *smirks* Unless you help me make more then maybe I will think about the situation."

Inosuke's eyes sparkled from the idea. "YEAH LEMME HELP!" Inosuke quickly ate the rest of his tempura. "Allllrightyy then! First, go clean yourself up" she points to the direction where the school bathroom is. "UGH fine" Inosuke rushes to the bathroom. 

"My god he's such a handful" she complained and Zenitsu couldn't help it but to agree. "I should prolly also help with the tempura stand-" "Oh really??? It would be VERY appreciated if you two run the stand for me pleasee??" she interrupted with a plead.

He was at a loss of words and didn't know what to say. "Do you know how to make tempura first of all??" she asked to make sure. "Well..yeah I do but-" "Great then it would be perfect right?? If Inosuke doesn't know then you can teach him! Please I really want to be with my friends with all the other events that are going around."

"...O-okay" he couldn't say no. "YAY! Thank you, you're the best! Make sure to tell Inosuke. Actually lemme first teach you how I would do this." She began making a batch of tempura showing Zenitsu which allows him to have a reference of how it's easily done. "You got it?' she asked after finishing the batch. "Yeah. Thanks I'll keep that in mind!" he smiled. "Great! Okay I'll be going now!" she walks off leaving Zenitsu behind. While he waits for Inosuke, he practiced making his first batch. After finishing, he compares both batches. Her's was more crunchier, so he thought that he needed to let it fry a little longer. And so he did. He was right! 

𝘞𝘩𝘺 𝘈𝘮 𝘐 𝘍𝘦𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘛𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘞𝘢𝘺? (𝘐𝘯𝘰𝘻𝘦𝘯)Where stories live. Discover now