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Happy Valentine's dayyy!! ❤️❤️ I thought I'd surprise y'all with a new story!! This story is About Tiana. She is the ex girlfriend of Kya from two of my completed books.

The order is

Promise I Can Change Your Mind

Promise Me No Promises

Strawberry kisses

(Promise I Can Change your mind is annoying and you can skip it but you'll miss out on a lot of drama lol)

The live band behind me faded out the set. I love singing, but I was ready to shut my mouth and go sit at the bar for a while.

Ever since I returned back to work from having Covid everything seems so exhausting... just everyday life movements. Hygiene, getting dressed for the day, walking around faking the funk when you're not happy to be there. I've always hated capitalism and how it forces you to go through life just to pay bills, but now more then ever I wish I could do nothing.

Everything's especially hard for me after my breakup. They say you can't make a hoe into a housewife... honestly I should've known where the relationship was heading. I don't know why I thought Kya would stay faithful to me, but I really thought I was the one. It hurt so bad finding out everything I thought was a lie.

While I had Covid the doctor told her I had to be in quarantine and I thought it would be better if she go stay with her parents for a while... well she took my kindness for weakness  and went back to this stud.. Jaylen. I've had Jaylen before, personally I don't think she was worth it... but that's her lost.. and mine.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please applaud for the beautiful stylings of Tiana Moore."

I stood on the small stage holding my fake smile. Soaking in the claps and whistles. These people are so fake. Every now and then I get a tip from some lonely old man who thinks I'm pretty, or some big shot dad trying to show off to his family.. but for the most part the servers and host have to split their tips with me. I hate when it comes to that. They deserve all of their money. It's not their fault these people come to a nice upscale restaurant with live music broke.

I went over to the bar and ordered my usual cocktail.

I have one more set in 2 hours. Then I can go home, take a nice warm shower and snuggle up with my cat Mr. Nubs, lately we've been really into Reality TV love shows.

I rolled my eyes thinking about a certain guy on the show. Where do they get those pretentious dickheads from? He had the nerve to say the girl he was match up with was ugly... he said he rather had been matched with somebody else right in front of her face.

"Mrs. Moore" my friend who's a server.. well I guess more of a work friend. smirked, he slid a nice sized chunk of money into my hand.

I chuckled a little "creepy old dude or sleazy salesman?" I asked preparing myself to go thank them.

"Actually, she's sitting at that table" he said pointing to the table.

There were a bunch of froufrou sorority women sitting at the table. They were all dressed luxurious. Everybody had their hair did, nails did, pretty dresses and heels. One girl in particular had on a long bone straight lace front, no lace detected, face beat. She was wearing a black dress with one sleeve, her exposed shoulder was tatted with flowers. She caught my attention because she was sipping her drink watching the waiter talk to me. She put it down and smiled warmly.

I smiled back.

"Y'all bout to bump coochies ain't it" my waiter friend nudged me. He's just teasing, I had to turn down almost every guy that worked here when I first started. Everybody knows I like girls.

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