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Once again Nevaeh roped me into talking about how I feel... honestly I didn't want her.. or anybody to see me as this crazy person Jaylen painted me out to me.

"First of all I can't fucking stand Jaylen, she's weird as fuck and corny... and I knew that after the first time we fucked, and she was salty I wouldn't fuck her again but she ain't say that in her lol interview"

Nevaeh chuckled. "I can tell she's corny."

"The whole fucking things was messy. I wish I never got involved with either of them. They both wishy washy as fuck and ain't know what they want. I fucked Jaylen then found out whole time she wanted Kya but Kya was playing in her face... and I mean, she's fine as fuck... and she knows how to play innocent so fucking good. I'm not gonna lie I was instantly attracted to her. So I took her. We started dating and I should've left her the fuck alone because she fucked Jaylen not even 2 weeks later. But she begged and cried, and she was technically single so I let it go. We got in a relationship.. we were together for a whole ass year.. her staying at my place and everything." I scoffed

"And I got sick. As soon as she saw the opportunity she started fucking Jaylen again... like the hoe I should've known she was. It hurt me. I was literally at my weakest moment and she lied to me, and cheated on me. And even then I was still too sick to do anything about it. So yeah. I used a friend of mine for revenge. She happened to already be in their circle, so I told her what happened and she said she'd ride for me. She said she would make them hurt for me. I'm not crazy, maybe I'm savage, revengeful.. but not fucking crazy. It would've fucking worked... she would've caused them to break up.. if she didn't fall in love with Kya too."

I could tell Nevaeh was trying so hard not to interrupt during the whole story, but her facial expressions was saying it all.

"Yeah that bitch wasn't loyal either. She had her own fucking motives, she wanted Kya just like everybody the fuck else, and she wanted Jaylen's money. And I'm glad they found out I was telling her what to do. I'm gladddd, her shit was ruined, cause guess what? Jaylen was siiccckkk, knowing Kya wanted somebody else . She was drinking way too much and throwing up and shitting and crying.. and Kya got hurt too... cause she fell for Lola and they couldn't be together"

"And that's why you were so worried about Destiny being poly.. you were scared of your karma"

I paused. I didn't see it that way. This whole time I told myself I was scared she would be another Kya and hurt me again.. but now that she said that.. yeah.  I'm scared to end up in a situation like I planned with Lola... I know I couldn't take Destiny wanting somebody else. As much as I tried to seem open minded that shit would drive me crazy.

"Do you feel like you get obsessive easily?"

"Yea.., that's why it took me and Destiny so long to fuck"

Damn, there you again telling Nevaeh your relationship business

"Because you feel like you had sex with Kya too fast?"

I know she was trying to help... I know this is her job and she has a degree... but i immediately started to get irritated with her. Had she not heard enough of my personal ass shit today?

I must've looked at her crazy... I ain't mean to.. but she put two and two together.

She started her car.

"I know it's none of my business" she said as she drove us back. "But it's fucked up that Jaylen did this. You weren't the only one in the wrong in the situation you shouldn't have did what you did... but her and Kya both basically said fuck your feelings and that's not cool.. especially from Kya.. after acting like she cared about you for a year."

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