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I woke the next morning in Destiny's bed... no we didn't fuck. Honestly I'm both surprised and glad... that wine she always gets makes me feel nasty... but honestly when we got in bed, as she wrapped her arms around my waist I just felt safe. I dosed off without even realizing it.

We woke up to her alarm. She groaned, lifting her eye mask off of her face.

She smiled when she saw me. "Hey beautiful."

She checked her morning breath and it made me laugh.

She laughed "stooop, I was just trying to check myself before I did this" she said kissing me slowly.

My heart raced... her lips against mine feel amazing.. I got use to dry ass lips... but Destiny is very into beauty and health... it's honestly so attractive. She has this whole routine, and I got to witness her do it.

She got me a toothbrush to use, and while I brushed my teeth, I watched her skin care routine... no wonder her skin is sooo flawless.. she brushed her teeth, then put on a lip mask.

"Wanna help me pick out an outfit?" She asked me.

I would give any excuse to go in her closet again. It's a walk in.... she has sooo many clothes, Designer clothes, shein, baggy clothes, gowns, her closet is literally a one stop shop.

"How do you usually dress for work?"

"Nothing crazy, honestly as long as I'm not walking in, like how I look now it should be good"

She literally looked gorgeous.. like she got her pajamas from a Barbie play set. Her hair was thrown into a bun on top of her head, she was wearing a fluffy headband with a bow to hold back her hair for her skin routine, she had on a silk, pink set.

She smiled, noticing me checking her out.

"Stop looking at me like that... before you make me late to work."

"Late doing what?" I smirked trying to see what she would say.

"Putting you back to sleep." She flirted.

The confidence really is so sexy to me... I'm used to being dominant one. Saying how I want it, when I want it... the fact that she can match that... hell,not even... surpass that... is wild to me.. I gotta get on her level, she making me act all shy and out of character.

"You think you can put me to sleep.. that's cute" I teased back, I need to start talking back before she think I'm some dainty little bitch.

"Oh I know I can" she said stepping closer.

"But you don't know" I laughed "I'm not some other bitch you've been with"

She check her phone screen. "I have... 30 minutes, we can find out"

She stay ready. I swear I'm not all talk but when she put a time on it I almost broke a sweat.

Her phone dinged and she looked back down. "Ouu, foods downstairs" she smiled up at me.

She turned swiftly walking away like she made a point.

I watched her ass jiggle in those little satin shorts.. my intrusive thoughts kicked in as I walked behind her, I smacked it.

She smiled back at me and kept walking.

She's so cute. She got breakfast delivered for us.

She filled Chanel's bowl then lit a blunt.

"Ughh, here we go again barely being able to see each other. I already know, when I get off work you're going to be going in to your job" she rolled her eyes.

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