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New chapter!! By popular demand, I'm sorry y'all we outsideeee 🤪 lol me and my wife are in Miami

I groaned. As much as I didn't want to talk about Kya she's right... she does need to be prepared. Last I knew Jaylen's Career was starting to get some hype.. and honestly Kya did too, just by being in drama and Jaylen's girlfriend. I don't know much though.. They've been blocked on my phone forever.

"Okay". I sighed  "She's a year younger then me.. when we met she was a baby gay.. she didn't even know whether she wanted to be with girls. She likes fems and studs, she left me for a stud named Jaylen.. I don't even know if they're still together."

"Oouu, do you remember her name on insta or Tiktok or anything? I'll look her up." Destiny asked already pulling out her phone.

I hesitated to tell her, but I knew she was just being nosey.

"Yea it's OhsoKya "

Destiny rolled her eyes at the name typing it in.

"Oouuu, I'm not gonna lie....I see why you was hurt.. she fine, fine..   and she got hella followers.. I hate her. awwww cute baby tho ."

"Baby?" I asked damn near breaking my neck to look at the phone.

Sure enough there was a fucking baby on the screen.

"I know that's not her fucking baby" I said backing up on Destiny's phone and going through more pictures.

This bitch makes me sick... I dead ass felt sick. She acted like I was crazy for even mentioning wanting kids. And here this bitch is big ass pregnant belly taking glamorous maternity pics.

That shit pissed me all the way off. Knowing how indecisive she is I don't know whether it was with a man or woman, I went back through more pictures. I audibly gasped. She married that bitch? Jaylen? She married fucking Jaylen?!

Destiny exited out of the app.

"I don't think we should look anymore"

I laughed, because I didn't even know how to react I was in awe. "She married her!" I said in shock.

Destiny sat there not sure what to do.

"Okay... you wanna know about Kya? She was a sloppy ass, bratty ass ungrateful bitch. She was messy, would leave my apartment a fucking mess... but ain't even have a job..she was lazy as fuck, didnt want to clean, didn't want to work, didn't exercise but constantly complained about her body. She was a hoe.. a fucking cheater. And she doesn't care about anybody but her fucking self. Marrying her is the biggest mistake Jaylen could've made and I hope she feels that's shit... everyday like a black cloud floating over her... knowing Kya is destine to disappoint her.. because that's what she is to everybody.. a disappointment"

Destiny listened to my whole little rant... then she hugged me. I was not expecting it at all.. I almost swerved her... because I was hot.. still ranting in my head, but when she held me close to her warm body I realized how much I needed it.

"I'm sorry... it's hard, when somebody damages you so much... and then you see they just moved on.. like it was nothing."

"She told me she wouldn't do that for me.."I felt tears forming but I push them back... hell no, not over her. "She told me she didn't want kids.. and I was moving too fast and acting crazy... she's been with Jaylen for less time and they're married with a baby."

"Well.. from what you told me, this is her loss... not yours. You're so beautiful, and talented, and interesting.. being with her would've been a waste... shit, I'm glad you were available for me"

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