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    She sniffed patting her face with her fingers gently trying to to mess up her makeup.

"I'm sorry" she chuckled. "You're probably like 'this crazy bitch is always crying'"

I laughed, "I mean you are a Cancer.... and your feelings are valid. The more you tell me about how you've been treated the more I understand how you are.."

She looked at me with those big loving eyes full of hurt "nobody has tried to understand me the way you do.. and I know that probably sounds dramatic as fuck... but it's true.. not my parents, not my friends, not my exes.."

I sighed squeezing her tight. "I'll always try to understand... changing the subject before you mess up your makeup.... what  are we doing next?"

She grabbed her phone and looked at the time.

"Ooo... if we want to make the appointment we have to leave... like nowww"

I wasn't surprised when we ended up at a nail salon. It's right up Destiny's alley, and honestly it was nice, I haven't had my nails done since prom years ago.

I could tell Destiny is a regular. The staff knew her by name and brought us both a glass of wine.

It was nice being pampered. The spa jets massaged our feet as we sipped our wine and talked.

"So what's your next thing? Pleaseee tell me it's something in the house.. it's been a longgg day" she chuckled.

I smiled "well... I can make you one of the three pastas I know how to make... and maybe we can find a movie to watch"

"Aht," she said stopping me right there "something that you love to do" she reminded me "unless you have a favorite movie pick something else"

She gave me time to think, we went back to my place and I did cook her pasta, and we smoked a blunt, we both had some wine.

I love the way we vibe. We really can just turn on some music and talk.

She smiled at me slowly while I mixed the brownie batter for our dessert


"I know what you can do"

"And what's that?" I chuckled, sure that she was gonna ask to fuck.

"Sing for me"

I smiled rolling my eyes. I don't know why I get so shy singing to her.. I literally perform for people.

"Come onnn... I've been begging for you to sing for me since we met.. I always get a snippet.. never a full song"

"Okay, okay.. fine.."

She smiled "But you have to wait until the brownies are done so I can eat a nice warm chocolatey brownie and listen to your velvety voice"

I laughed "that's very descriptive."

While we waited on the brownies we both took quick showers just to wash the day off of us.

Destiny came out looking good as hell. She was wearing a Lacey matching olive green set. It looked sooo good against her caramel skin, the color contrasted her pretty flower tattoos.

This girl always manages to be sexy, I don't even have that many sexy things. I just came out in one of my cropped tank tops, and some shorts.

She came closer, playing with my many necklaces.

"Everything about you is so pretty" she mumbled "just look at these beautiful crystals"

I smiled "do you want one?"

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