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"What's wrong with you?" I asked as soon as the door closed.


Don't do that."

"Do what?" She asked

"Act oblivious.. you made shit so awkward "

"I was just tryna see where her head was at.. I like her"  she smirked a little "she's cool with me"

"You was just jealous of her"

"Okay.. and now I'm not.. I mean look at me, what would I be jealous for?" She asked flaunting herself in that little olive green set.

"And I don't like that you're just walking around in your panties" I put my foot down

She laughed a little "okayyy? All you had to do was say that." She said acting like I was weird for it. She dug in her suitcase and grabbed a pair of black satin shorts putting them on. She was a little tipsy so she staggered putting them on.

"Destiny... don't play"

"Oh my goddd... I'm not playing... if anything she was playing.. trying to knock on your door, in her little cute pajamas batting her lashes like 'play a song for me Tiana'" she mocked "but like I said... I asked some questions, got some answers.. and she seems cool. I have no problem with her"

I gave her a look, I call bullshit.. but as long as she stops making shit weird I really don't care.

We walked back out, Nevaeh looked up from her phone and smiled "are we done pressing Nevaeh now?"

Destiny smiled back "pressing you? Did you feel like I was pressing you?"

"I mean... you kinda were... asking me if I'd fuck my next door neighbor.. that I barely know"

"Hm.. I'm sorry that you felt that way."

"I'm sorry you felt the need to press.."

Okay... I know I probably should've said something but the argument was sexy and they were both holding their own but not in a fighting way.. it was like a bad bitch off. I sat there lighting the blunt fascinated by them arguing.

Destiny smiled. "You're so pretty and bitchy..... I like you"

They both busted out laughing.

"Nooo, I was just thinking that.. like if this bitch want beef we can have that.. but we could really be cool" Nevaeh laughed

"See baby..." Destiny said looking over at me.

"Now kiss and makeup" I joked.

I stopped breathing for a second when their lips actually touched. Just a peck and they both busted out laughing.

"Whew" Nevaeh said sipping her drink "Tiana, you got a wild one"

"Now you know I was joking" I slightly side eyed Destiny after my heart started beating again.

She giggled and came over to me sitting on my lap facing me.

"I'm sorryyy babbyyy" she giggled kissing all over my face.

She pulled back and looked at me and noticed I still had an attitude.

She started tongue kissing me... I'd be lying if I said I didn't fold. She just so fucking everything .. she led my hands to her ass.

"Nobody else getting that from me daddy" she mumbled looking at me sensually when she pulled away..

Mannnn she damn near pulled the freak out of me. I had to remember Nevaeh was sitting right there.

Strawberry Kisses (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now