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The good thing about working at such an upscale restaurant is that I can always sleep in.

I could hear and feel Mr.Nubs purring on top of my feet as I woke up. I love it, it's like a warm little massage.

I picked up my phone and almost dropped it.

She texted me back.

I'm not really the awkward nervous type but this time my heart skipped a beat.

I bit my lip taking a deep breath before opening her message.

Destiny: lol your pussy was calling me already? We just met 🥴😅

I was noooottttt expecting that at all.

I literally squealed. Mr. Nub's jumped then got off of me laying beside me instead. He stared at me giving me the stink eye.

"It's your fault!" I responded to his look.

He turn showing me his chubby belly for me to rub.

I took a picture of him sending it to Destiny.

Tiana: 🤭 here's your culprit

I honestly didn't know what else to say. Yes she's fine as fuck.. but I'm not trying to take shit too far too fast.

I got up and brush my teeth and washed my face. Then I freed my fro from my silk bonnet and twist out. I swear it's growing bigger even though I just got my hair trimmed.

I was spraying water in my hair when my phone lit up.

It was another message from Destiny. I wiped my hands on the towel behind me then picked it up.

Destiny: awww, I don't even like cats. But it's cute

I wanted to text her back immediately but I didn't want to seem desperate.

I wish I had somebody to talk about her with. I wouldn't say I have friends... just coworkers. I've always been a chill person okay with pretty much being by myself. But when I had Covid I got lonely fast. Noticing I had nobody to talk to but my ex, my ex bestfriend and Mr. Nubs.

I'm honestly just getting back into the swing of things. After Covid I still felt like a zombie for a while. I tried to go back to work but quickly found out I needed a little more time. Customers didn't love me up there having random coughing fits in the middle of my songs.

I rolled my morning blunt then gave myself permission to message Destiny back.

Tiana: well when you met him you'll love him. Good morning beautiful wyd?

Destiny: about to go to work 🙄

Tiana: What do you do ?

Damn it, I responded back to soon. I don't want to look desperate.

Surprisingly she responded almost immediately.

Destiny: I work for a travel agency

Oh wow, she does give me those vibes. Like she really has her shit together... a closet full of outfits already picked out down to the accessories, one of those aesthetic instagramers that makes their life look completely perfect.

It's funny because that's how my ex felt about me.... which is crazy.. I do not have my shit together at all.. I'm just a artist trying to deal with my traumas the only way I know how.

I put my phone down lighting my blunt. Mr. Nubs creeped onto the couch. He's not slick, he loves to  lay close by and get a contact high.

My phone started vibrating and I looked down to see Destiny calling me.

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