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When we got back to my apartment we put the groceries up.

"So why didn't you want to do this at your place?" I asked pulling out the pots and stuff she would need.

"It's just such a vibe in here... every time I come over I don't want to leave.. plus my adopted son is here"

She said giving Nubs a tiny piece of cheese. "One day we have to introduce him and Chanel, see how they'd get along."

I laughed "I don't know how much he'll like a dog, but we can try"

After we left the kitchen I set up the easels and the paint, and she rolled a blunt.

I smiled. Looking at the scene. She's so cute for this idea.

We changed into our matching Pajamas and smoked.

"Okay Don't laugh at me" Destiny warned while we smoked. "I'm a not an artist at all... but I'm going to attempt to paint Chanel"

"Awww that's so sweet...  I'll paint Nubs"

We both looked over at him. He was walking on the coffee table supervising our set up.

I turned on some music while we were finishing the blunt and we were vibing. We got a little distracted and started taking pictures together.

"Okay, let's paint." Destiny said setting her phone down.

We both sat on the floor and started. We sat across each other so we couldn't see each other's paintings.

I watched her pour paint on her paint tray.

"I hope I do my baby Justice" she giggled pulling up a picture of Chanel on her phone.

I already had an idea of what I wanted to paint for Nubsy.

10 minutes in Destiny started huffing. I watched her try to mix her colors for the third time.

"What's wrong?"

I asked putting my brush down.

"I don't like this shade of pink she whined it's so orangy"

I shuffled on my knees to her side of the table.

"Oh, all you need is .." I added some blue, and a lot of white and started mixing it.

I looked up to see her looking at me. She looked so content and intrigued.

"You're a genius" she giggled.

"Nah, I just know color theory very well" I chuckled pecking her lips.

I went back to my side and continued to paint.

"So, did you miss me this week?" Destiny asked

"Duh.. I been waiting to see you"

" awww, I've been feeling so lame.. all I want to do was be up under you" she cooed

"Girl please... if that's lame then I don't know what the fuck I am.."

As time went by our conversations shifted. It went from what's your Favorite food?, to what's your drink of choice?, to sex positions.

"I mean I like them all, I just love fucking in general.. giving and receiving" she said focusing on her painting.

"Me too... but I'd have to say my favorite is scissoring... it's something about feeling a wet ass pussy against mine that just.. mmmm... especially when there's a vibrator added.."

"Sheeshh" she giggled. "I love that too." Her eyes flirted

"Do you like toys?" I asked

"I love toys. Straps, vibrators, butt plugs, shittttt whips and chains excite me" she said quoting Rihanna.

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