Chapter 7 (Old)

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It's not a great feeling when you see your own AI assistant betray you just from a small little girl pouting when she didn't get an answer when everyone hid it away from her.

Then again, it's totally my fault for putting the ability to grow and evolve like a human into an AI... Which somehow worked surprisingly when I tried making it for the fourth time...

The first 3 attempts, however... weren't so great. The first AI... Became extremely lazy at everything, acting all happy-go-lucky and sassiness for its normal state... The second and third... Oh boy... Discovered how making babies work and... You already know where it's going...

Imagine my reaction when I finally got it after losing most of my sanity thanks to the second and third. Actually, scratch that, how is it possible that I still have my sanity intact after all of that?

'Sometimes, I just hate my own creations, including myself.'

[Love you too, Boss.]

'ERA, just ignore what I was thinking and give me the fastest route to the strongest energy source here. I don't need it to be safe as long as we can dash through the dangers.'

[Planning new route...]

I looked over to Sirin who's halfway inside of the orange portal. I can hear she's talking to someone but not very clearly... She seems happy talking with whoever is on the other side of that thing.

"Sirin, come on. Stop talking to whoever you're talking to and let's go so that we can come home soon. It's already passed your bedtime."

"I don't have a bedtime!" She yelled from the orange portal not long before she would get out of it.

"Yes. Yes, you do. You have a bedtime and it was 5 hours ago."

"And why are you up? Don't you also have a bedtime?"

"Just a midnight walk. I needed to get some air."

"...You expect me to believe that after we're inside of this underwater cave?"

"Late night swimming for refreshments."

"That doesn't make it any better..."

[Boss, the fastest route has been planned. Estimated time until destination: 3 minutes and 24 seconds. Please take notes, there are sights of monsters detected through drones.]


"You don't mean those weird ugly, gooey green pervert tentacle thingy?" Said Sirin with disgust in her tone.

"...What have you been watching...?" I said while shifting my gaze over to her.

"What? Isn't that monster all about? Dad has multiple collections of those things." She tilted her head.

'Sieg... What the actual fuck.'

"Don't they all look like that? Always big and have this massive black-"

"OKAY OKAY, I don't need to listen to any of that. I get what you're trying to say, Sirin. ERA, please put on a reminder to tell Cecilia to do a 'cleanup' in Siegfried's room."


"And Sirin... I think you should stop... Snooping around your house like that."


[Miss Sirin, my boss is right. You should stop that habit of yours. And to reply to your previous question, no. They do not look like that.]

"Then... What do they really look like?"

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