Chapter 32 (Old)

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Kiana immediately looked away from the PC's screen once she heard the sound of a jet engine taking off before turning her head back to the screen.

One might think that the Kaslana would be playing games on it or even looking up some sight that could deliver food to her with the credit card that her uncle gave her...

But this was none of that...

What is this you asked? Kiana Kaslana is not interested in food not playing games instead!? What kind of world-ending event is this!?!?

Hah! For Kiana Kaslana, it's not! It's something of a new hobby that the Kaslana had recently found since she started living with her uncle.

And that hobby just happened to be...

Saving the princess from the cast-! Oh, wait no, let me rephrase that.


Being a hero in disguise while uncle's away!

At first, Kiana thought she could ask him to help her being a superhero but... Knowing her uncle since she started living with him, he would say something like:

"Don't play hero, it never works." or "You're asking for something you could only clench your teeth in pain while suffering in silence."


Mou... Uncle is such a party pooper... Was up with these superhero techs like technology he made when he don't even put it to good use...

But that won't stop Kiana whatsoever!

For you see! Because her uncle has been teaching her how to use the 'workbench' that's in the library, she thought to herself: "Why not make my own superhero suit?"

Sure, uncle may have said that he's making her one but Kaslanas are quite known for their impatient.

And then, after countless failed attempts her pieces of equipment ended up blowing up in her face and zapped her with electricity...

She has finally done it... Countless blood and tears were put into this masterpiece Kiana had made...

Even though the suit looks no different from regular clothing, some parts of it have some of Kiana's DIY creations attached to them and are clearly visible from the outside.

This is a masterpiece for Kiana alongside her Gun-Kata fighting style.

Now, without further ado...

Disconnecting her phone from the PC before turning it off, Tha Kaslana opened the window of her room before leaping out of it.









"Oh wait, I forgot my lunch." She said before coming back to her room through the window and grabbing her lunch.

A Kaslana can't be a hero with an empty stomach now, can they?

"Now then," Again doing the same motion as before as Kiana leaped out of the window.

"Time to be a hero!"









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