Chapter 34 (Old)

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Dead late at night as usual. Nobody would be outside by this hour as people begin to close their shops and go home...

Well... except for the workaholics, those people are creatures who don't know when to go home...

Yet here I am standing outside of an old specific bar as I checked for the address that Einstein have given me...

"This is the place." I said before going into the bar and beginning to look for a specific person...

It didn't take me long to look for them as their white hair and old blue clothes with a missing Schicksal logo stood out like a sore thumb and also the fact that he was the only one here with the bartender.

"Hey, old man! Your daughter is a goddamn lesbian!" I yelled out to him, causing him to turn around immediately with a furious expression.

"HEY! WHO THE HELL SAID-!" Siegfried immediately stop as he saw my face looking at him. "Oh... It's you, kiddo..."

" Quite... a lacking reaction I must say." I said while making myself comfortable in the seat next to him.

"You've been drinking a lot huh?" I said noticing the pile of beer cans in the disposal bin behind the bartender. All of the same brands of beer he was drinking.

"That six packs of yours are gonna turn into a beer belly." I joked before doing a quick scan of his body.

His entire right arm was missing, only being covered with short bandages. Even the old blue coat that he always wear have old burn marks on them.

The old white Schicksal logo was also nowhere to be seen. Only the small white lines suggest that the logo had been there in the first place.

"So... After you decided to leave Schicksal AND your wife. You kidnapped a clone of your daughter, blew up your arm and the first thing you did was to be a neglectful father by leaving her for 14 years."


"You're shit at parenting, Sieg."

"...At least I asked you to take care of her..."

"That's asking someone else to babysit her. And speaking of which..." I said while digging into one of the pockets inside my jacket.

"She passed by the way." I took out the envelope containing Kiana's entrance exam score which he took and open them.

"...This is a joke... right...?" He asked not believing the scores he was holding in his hands.

"Nope. Me and... 8 other teachers grade it more than 3 times and it's the same result. She didn't even cheat, the detectors would've told us before she could even enter the room."


"Better keep your promise to her, ya half-drunk bastard!"

"Hah! That's a joke, I always keep my promises." Was all he said before taking another sip of his beer.

"...Yet you don't even remember it until I reminded you..."

"...Anyway, what do you want from me?" He said, changing the subject as he move his coat revealing the Judgement of Shamash inside their holsters.

"A personal mission am I correct? If it weren't, Einstein would've messaged me beforehand."

"Seems like somebody matured due to depression. However, I'm not here to give you a mission." I said making the Kaslana give me a confused face.

"Then what are you here for?" He tilted his head in confusion. "You're definitely not here to be my drinking buddy because you don't drink alcohol."

"Who said I don't drink alcohol? Bartender! Same thing he's having, please." I said as the bartender handed me a glass of beer.

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