Chapter 28 (Old)

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The air felt dense, with dust in the air and you could still smell the old lab that they used to be in... Now it's nothing more than a fallen burnt tower...

Just the smell alone brings bad memories... Very rarely do those who are experimented on want to come back to this place...

Sirin was no exception whatsoever... I mean... Who would want to go back to the place that had made the living hell out of you?

Perhaps it was the Herrscher's Persona that was luring her back to this place... Perhaps the so-called God that had planned all of this...

It pissed Bella off just by thinking it... To think... such God would stand that low to set an innocent girl into the wheel of fate...

How shallow... Truly shallow...

That God will only use more innocent lives in the future to do its evil doings... They're sick... Just thinking about it is enough to make her blood boil...

And now she's here to face it...

"Well well well... Look at who we have here..." The Herrscher said as she looks down at the group...

"Does this place reminds you of anything? Do you remember when those humans inflicted so much pain on us?"

"Or perhaps did all of you don't want to remember about this place?" Shaking their head in disappointment as the Herrscher continue to stare down at the group...

Bella stood her ground... Galina and Aphora take a step backward and slowly make their way behind the Herrscher's back... And finally, Agata who took a step forward.

"Humanity is always a stubborn bunch... They brush their problems to others and then betrayed them in the end... Don't you think they're going too low?"

Unknown to the Herrscher as Aphora had split her sniper rifle in half, revealing the plasma blades hidden inside the sniper.

Meanwhile, Galina who had spun her scythe almost as if she reloaded a Winchester and revealed a small barrel at the top of the scythe and is currently aiming at the Herrscher.

"Not just human, Sirin. Every living thing in this world is always stubborn."

Just beside Bella as Agata held her sword up. A click of a button as plasma flame manifest around it turning the long sword into a claymore or in other words, a giant greatsword.

"You're only being used by that self-proclaimed God, Sirin. To them, you're nothing more than their pawn." Her arms turn into their dragon form as she readies her stance...

"Me? God's pawn? Hah! How could I be their pawn when I am their favorite?" The Herrscher laughs as she begins to gather energy around her.

"...God's favorite child is nothing but a lie..." Was the last thing she whispered before Aphora leaps at the Herrscher with her blades...

But she blocked it as if the plasma heat did not phase her, follow up was a bullet from Galina's scythe that penetrated the invisible shield.

Bella immediately flew to where the shield have been penetrated and try to grab the Herrscher only for her to teleport away.

Not letting the Herrscher take a breath as Agata did a wide horizontal swing with her greatsword but the Herrscher merely dash away and send lances at her with deadly speed.

With a click of a button, the greatsword returned to its original form and Agata parried the incoming lances by changing its trajectory and making them land just beside her and in front of her.

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