Im always watching you

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Plot: Eddie's back with Ana, even though Buck hates the idea, he grows to hate it more when Ana takes Chris to the zoo.
What will happen when there's a fire and they can't find Chris?
There is some Ana bashing in this story.

He had said it when Eddie and Ana were together, he had told him what to do, how to do
It and why. Point being, he can't do it now, when Taylor's standing five feet away from him, on her phone, not listening. He can't say it.

"Wanna go see-"

"Buck I'm working." She snaps, hair falling down her shoulder, shading her eyes from his wandering gaze, shielding him from the annoyance running across her face. "Maybe later."

That was the cutting of the line, the single sentence made something switch and he got up, grabbed their plates and put them in the sink. Walking around to her side of the table, her untouched wine glass stood before her icy gaze.

"Buck I already said-"

"I know what you said, go work at home." She raises her gaze, eyebrows turned up as her phone finally turned off, the first time all night. "You're obviously too busy to be here, go home and work, I've gotta check in on Chris anyway."

She let out the softest of scoffs that if you weren't listening, you probably wouldn't have heard it. "Chris? Really."

"What do you mean?" He knew what was coming, the anger and potential disgust rolling of her tongue.

"You care about them more than you care about me, it's like you're in love with the idea of them then me."

"Taylor, the only reason this relationship is even still working is because I put in the effort. It's been one sided for months now, between work and schedules, you are the one who's barely been there for me. It's like you're in love with your job." Grabbing her wine glass, he turned his back to her and poured it down the sink, it was shitty cheap wine that she loved and he hated.

"Fine. Good night Evan, I hope your loft doesn't become too lonely without me, because it sure as hell will feel like it." Snatching up her purse, she turned and walked out of the door, closing it gently behind her, because the one thing she wasn't, she pretended to be.

He stood there for a couple seconds, taking in the quiet atmosphere, the tv playing gently in the background and the sound of traffic below. Sure, it was quiet and he was by himself but it was also refreshing every now and then, a home to himself and people who love him less than a click away. That's all he's ever wanted.

So he gathered the last little bits of cutlery and plate settings, putting them away before popping the top button off his shirt and walking over to the couch. Flopping down, he grabbed the remote and looked for something to watch. The little list of downloaded movies Chris had put on his box made a small smile settle on his face.

Putting on spider man, he placed the remote back on the table before sinking deeper into the couch.

Maybe twenty minutes into the movie, he was slowly drifting off when the sound of a key slotting into his front door had him jumping up. Fear inching through his skin.


"Shh. He might be asleep, we're just here to drop off-" as the door opened, Eddie caught bucks eyes and froze, looking around the loft, the scarcity. "Why are you alone?"

"Hey buddy! What are you and your dad doing here at this time?" Chris smiled up proudly and extended the box of cookies they had made, little notes on each one. "Oh my god, these are amazing, thank you Chris."


"You can't cook Ed's, you probably just stood there and made sure he didn't burn the kitchen down." Chris nodded in agreement and watched as his dad turned a shade of red from embarrassment.

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