The moment in time

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He didn't want to make a scene, or even a moment of what he was about to do. He seriously didn't want to make her feel like it was her fault. It just wasnt working, none of it was and it was starting to hurt being around her.

When she wasn't at work, the comments shes made hurt more than the way she said it. He opened up to her and let her in, all she did was invalidate him and make him fucking hurt. He knows she's trying to mature but the fact that this relationship was on the rockiest of edges just really put it into perspective.

"I can't do this anymore." He sighed out as they were sat down for dinner, casual, not romantic at all. "This just isn't working out for either of us, it-"

"My hearts not in this either." She admitted, putting her fork down, small sympathetic smile on her face. "I can't seem to have a job and you, no matter how much I want it."

"I understand. I really want to still be friends with you like we were before. You're such a good person Taylor, we're just not meant to be." She nods and reaches out for his hand, he slides them together.

"We were never gonna work in the long run, I just can't be happy with both, I'm like married to my job." She laughs out as Buck chuckles a little. "I would love to stay friends, we work better as friends, we always have."

When the night had ended twenty minutes later, she had left and he was left with the emptiness and silence of the loft. Pulling his phone out, he scrolled through his contacts, landing on the 'E's and hesitating.

"Buck.. pull yourself together." He whispered as his finger tapped the contact. He knew he shouldn't, he'd be disturbing him, he'd probably be asleep, it is 11:30.

Putting his phone away, he grabbed his keys and left the loft. As he started driving, his mind was everywhere all at once, he knew he had to let the breakup sink in and he would probably be more upset later but it truly felt like he didn't care about what happened. Like it wasn't right, wasn't the best situation in the beginning.

Before he knew it, he was out the front of Eddie's house, car idling as he sat there. The lights were off and it seemed quiet. Groaning deeply, he leant against the head rest and closed his eyes. Turning the engine off, it clinked slightly as it stilled, the sound of grasshoppers engulfing his senses.

"Just go inside you pussy."

Clenching his hand around his phone, he shoved the door open and got out. The slight chill in the air sending a shiver down his spine.
Looking up at the porch, his feet guided him to the front door. He didn't knock, just stood there, hands shaking slightly as he opened his phone, typing a quick message to Eddie.

(Buck) Can we talk?

Closing his phone, he took a couple steps back and waited, his phone sending anxious jolts through his legs and fingers.

He didn't get a reply back, deciding that he was asleep or just not wanting to reply. He took a final look at the house and turned away, walking back to the Jeep. He knew this was a stupid idea, the whole idea was stupid. He was just feeling... something.

"Buck?" The hoarse call of his name made him stop, turning slightly. He saw Eddie leant against the front door frame, rubbing his eyes slightly as he squinted at the man. "What are you doing here?"

"I uh.. doesn't matter, I woke you up, don't worry about it. Go back to bed before Chris wakes up." Eddie shakes his head and gestures for him to come in. Buck stood still for a moment before giving in and walking inside with Eddie, who yawned and closed the front door. "Eddie I really don't want to wake him up."

"He's at a sleepover, the only thing you'd be waking up is me." He joked as Buck took a seat on the couch. Eddie grabbing two bottles of water and sinking deep into the couch as Buck visibly relaxed.

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