Dancing with our hands tied

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Plot: "Come on dance with me!" Eddie asked as the music turned slow, bucks heart inching closer to the man as he watched, waiting.
"Fine, as long as you promise not to step on my toes!" He pointed a finger at the Diaz boy, who laughed and crossed his heart.
"Oh I promise." God, he was gonna be the death of Buck.

The music changed to a slower beat, the lights dimming slightly as the 118 sat huddled in their booth, each exchanging details about the call they went on earlier. An elderly man had got stuck between a car and a gate, his husband hysterical and unfortunately they couldn't save him. The scrap book and fond words exchanged really helped bring a sense of safety to the conversation though.

Eddie was on drinks, everyone had already done their share of the bar and it was time for Eddie to man up and ask the bartender for a couple drinks. Bucks eyes ran to his figure as the man leaned over the counter, laughing at something the bartender was saying. Sure, she was a pretty brunette, long lashes and a cute smile but what did she have that buck didn't? A dic-

"Earth to Buck!" Chimney snapped his fingers in front of his face as he tore his eyes from the unwanted scene. "Sorry what?"

"I said when will you get over your favourite firefighter crush and just make a move." Hen smirked as Bobby downed another shot, Athena laughing beside him.

"S'not like that." He knew it wasn't truly how he felt but what was he suppose to do, tell Eddie? No.

"Sure, and you weren't totally checking Eddie out earlier when that lady came over to get our first round of drinks." Hen teased as the group howled with laughter.

"What's so funny?" A tray of drinks slid across the table as Eddie appeared beside Buck, knee almost touching bucks under the table.

"Buck has thi-"

"Okay that's enough." He stopped Chim who snorted and threw his head back.

"Okay.." Eddie laughed as the song changed to something slow and somber.

"Come on dance with me!" Eddie asked as the music turned slow, bucks heart inching closer to the man as he watched, waiting.

"Fine, as long as you promise not to step on my toes!" He pointed a finger at the Diaz boy, who laughed and crossed his heart.

"Oh I promise." God, he was gonna be the death of Buck.

He ignored the remarks and wolf whistles from the group as the walked towards the centre of the dance floor. Eddie's hands immediately wrapped around bucks waist as he slotted his own around Eddie's neck.

"You know, I was thinking the other day. You know how Chris doesn't like cauliflower." Eddie laughed.

"You're not gonna be able to get him to eat it."

"Oh I did, you know the pancakes I made this morning?" Eddie's eyes widened as Buck roared with laughter. "You didn't! They were made of cauliflower?"

"Yep and you guys didn't even notice. Really is like father like son."

Eddie's hands tightened around his waist as they swayed slightly with the music, several other people were also dancing and it was a fond making of a memory.

"Hey Eddie.."


"Chris had this idea the other day, it shocked me at first, like completely. He suggested that.." hesitating slightly, he watched as Eddie completely fell into his heart, completely.. completely just slotted in, in that moment. The soft and genuine look in his eye.

"Me and you date.. I mean, I know he's a kid and it's what kids say when their parents are close with other people and-"

"Buck.." he started.

"I'm in love with you.. oh Jesus." Fuck, he didn't even mean to say it, he just meant to grasp that idea, get to know the concept, know it's ways, the twists, turns..
"I've been in love with you for a while and when Chris said that the other day, he said it with full support and happiness that I just.. I can't stop thinking about how good it would be, how safe and right it would be, us, together.."

Eddie stopped moving as his hands left Bucks waist, the chill that flew through him made his senses snap back into place..

"Oh fuck, I didn't mean to just confess like that.." he chuckled under his breathe as his heart lurched in his throat. "I uh.. I'm sorry, I don't want you to think that I want, that I expect something from you because I don't and I understand and.." he stopped, Eddie was completely wide eyed as they both just stared at each other.


This was the wrong dumb moment in his life, this was the sole reason that he's gonna regret for the rest of his life-

"Buck! Come on and do shots with us!" Maddie yelled from the booth as he jumped slightly. Eddie's mouth moved, searching for the words and Bucks chest clenched as he thought of the rejection, the rift in the relationship, no more Chris, no more Eddie..

"I didn't mean to-"

"Buck.." his tone was guilty and sympathetic and it made Buck take a step back, his guard coming back up. Eddie saw it and took another step forward.

"I'm gonna go do shots." He whispered, the minimal space between them was really getting to him and if he didn't move in the next five seconds, he was gonna do something, he definitely would regret tomorrow.

Taking a step to the side, he ignored the burning sensation from being watched and briskly walked back over to the group. They smiled and held out shots as Chim, Bobby and Hen were counting down till the downed them.

Reaching for the booth seat, a hand wrapped around his wrist and turned him around. Brown eyes met blue and that was all it took for brown to burst. Eddie surged forward, passion exploding between them as Buck stumbled slightly. His hands wrapped around bucks neck and pulled him closer, mouths moving against each other. Breath being stolen as Buck pushed back with just the same amount of force, tongues colliding and fighting for dominance as Eddie inhaled sharply, the sound making Bucks knees falter on strength slightly.

When they pulled apart, the sound of wolf whistling and cheering from behind them made a deep red settle on each of their faces.

"GET IT!" Hen hollered as Athena laughed. "You owe me $50 Chim." She waggled her hands out as he groaned.

Both Eddie and Buck didn't even realise though, eyes searching the others as they just breathed each other in.

"I love you too.." he whispered before colliding their lips together again. This time when they pulled apart, flashes of photos being taken made them spin to the group, who were drunkenly laughing and filming them.

"I'm posting this everywhere, you guys are adorable." Athena cooed as she flipped the phone and the video was playing.

Yeah, they were gonna be fine.

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