I swear to you

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Plot: Bucks sick of the distance and lack of communication, he confronts Eddie about it but what happens when he finds out the real reason, behind the closed doors.

Slamming his hands down against Eddie's front door, he had double checked that Chris was at his Abuelas before he decided to talk to Eddie. Sure, he had seen Ana's car in the driveway and sure, he had thought why not make a scene because frankly, this was getting ridiculous.

The door swung open and an annoyed looking Eddie stepped out, frown etched onto his face and scowl permanently there for buck to be opposed too.

"What do you want Evan."

"No, you don't get to call me that." Eddie looked behind him and then smiled to who buck knew was Ana before turning back to buck and grabbing his wrist. Dragging him inside, he pulled him along as Buck flicked his angry gaze to Ana who simply scowled back at him. "I'll have my talk with you later too-"

"BUCK!" Eddie shouted as he kept getting dragged, they were both furious and it was obvious. No short curly haired chick was going to beat him to the fucking punch, especially Ana.

Eddie had shoved him inside, slamming the door closed and spinning around, eyes wild with fury and bucks flashing the exact same.

"What the fuck-"

"Don't even start with me Eddie. I want to know what the fuck is going on!" He shouted, edging closer as Eddie pushed off the wall, challenging him beneath the words. "Cuz I haven't seen Chris in almost four months, I'm never allowed over here anymore and frankly I'm getting kinda annoyed. I know this little relationship with me and you was never gonna last but.."

"What you thought yours and Chris would?" He snapped back, a flash of guilt coursing through his eyes before it was gone in an instant.

"You didn't even warn me and then you found fucking Ana, I was like a replacement huh? Shannon died so you thought, hey let's string buck along and get his hopes up before throwing him away for someone better-"

"Don't you dare-"

"OR WHAT EDDIE!" He yelled, pushing forward, he wasn't going to back down this time. "You gonna throw me out? Ban me from seeing Christopher, never look at me again. Demand different schedules for work, how's this gonna work Eddie. Because where I'm standing, I'm just a throw away fucking bag and you've already made your decision."

"That's not-"

"What Eddie? Not right, not true? I haven't spoken to you in months and for what? Ana, surely you're not that much of a coward, to hide behind your fucking feelings." Eddie posture dimmed slightly and Buck could feel the fake apology rising over his tongue.

"Don't you dare fucking apologise to me, I don't even want to hear it. I just wanna know why, what did I fucking do that made you hate me so much!" His voice growing smaller and smaller as the anger faded, slowly. Eddie's head snapped up and Buck scoffed at the relentless efforts to hide it.

"Buck I don't-"

"Shut up."

"You can't just-"

"Shut up." Eddie groaned and shook his head as Buck opened his phone. "If you're gonna-"

"I took this not even a fucking day before I lost contact with you guys. Chris drew this and told me not to tell you, only if it was an emergency or if you had done something bad. I'd say, now more than ever, is bad. Because I'm never gonna talk to you again as long as Ana's around, and you know that."

Shoving the phone in his face, the picture on the screen was one that Chris had drawn. It was a small little house with three stick figures, all labelled. Chris, daddy and Bucky. There was pancakes being made and in frantic writing a little message at the bottom that made Buck tear up every time.

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