Change your mind

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Plot: Chris knows more than both of them and he's gonna show them what he means when he runs away, or runs to buck.

"God you're being so pathetic Buck! Seriously, just leave." Eddie yelled at him as they stood in his kitchen, anger soaring through the air as Chris stood and watched from the side.

"Dad it's okay, I don't mind that buck-" Chris started before buck cut him off, something he's never done before.

"It's fine Chris, your dad here seems to get prickly when he can't control his feelings, he doesn't know how to deal with them. It's fine, I'll go."

Grabbing his things, Chris watched as his dad bobbed on his feet, he could see the anger dimming down and the regret bubbling over the surface.

"Buck wait!" Eddie called, Buck already slamming the door behind him. Eddie stood in front of it, sighing deeply as Chris watched the Jeep lights turn on and it back away.

"Why did you make a scene dad?" The question itself wasn't hard, not at all. Eddie just couldn't think of a suitable answer; I'm in love with him and can't think straight just didn't seem right.

"some times adults just fight Chris, we will get over it." His tone suggested otherwise but by the way his shoulders slouched and the vein popped out from his neck, Chris knew not to poke and prod at him. "Come on let's get you to bed."


The tension in their air was thick as Chris watched buck pace his living room. He may or may not have run away to bucks home, to be fair, Eddie was dating someone and it wasn't fair. He should be dating buck, it's so obvious.

"Chris does your dad know you're here?" He asked as he finally stopped moving, sitting down on the couch beside him. Shaking his head, he watched buck flop onto the couch and groan.

"Great now I've gotta call your dad, thanks superman." He joked as he pulled out his phone, grabbing it slightly, bucks eyes shot to the boy and frowned. "What's up?"

"why aren't you and daddy dating?" Bucks face went red and his neck looked all dark red, he assumes it's the blush.

"uh sorry what bud?"

"why aren't you guys dating? It's obvious you like each other, he's just dating Ana to get over you. Ana doesn't even like me, she's just my teacher."

"he's dating Ana?"
"well not really, they just started talking the other day."

Buck nodded and looked down at his phone, Christopher's hand not on it anymore. He seriously knew so much at such a young age, it wasn't the CP, he was just really intelligent.

"why don't we call your dad and ask?" Chris nodded frantically as Buck clicked on his contact, putting it on speaker as they let it ring out.

"I can't find Chris and I was about to call you and-"

"Chris is here, he's fine, he used your phone to call an Uber. Hey Eddie? Why aren't we dating." The line goes silent as Chris waits, eyes glued to the phone. Buck thought he was kidding, Buck seriously thought Chris was kidding. Oh my god.

"never mind, don't answer that. I'll see you when you get here." Clicking the end call button, he threw the phone across the room and turned to Chris, eyes wide and mouth slightly open. "I'm in love with your dad." He breathed out.

"Well duh, I've been waiting for you to realise this." He smiles, patting bucks leg as the older man smiles, letting out a small laugh. "Now we've just gotta see how dad reacts, if he comes here and he's got beer, I'm going to your room because if your kissing and-"

"blah blah I get it." Buck held up his hands, trying to avoid the topic with his bestfriends son.

"but if he comes here with nothing and just himself, I'm closing my eyes. Nothing against you.. just, don't wanna see my dads kissing."

"uh Chris I-"

"You're my dad buck, so is dad, I don't mind having two. I love you both the same." God he sounded so sincere and loving that buck just pulled him into a hug, forgetting the difference in size as he unwrapped himself. A loud rap at the door made Chris giggle as he watched buck shush him, making giggles explode out of him even more.

"he's on the-"

"I love you." Eddie yelled, Chris clapping his hands together as Buck turned to him and raised his thumb. "Chris-"

"it's fine, he's already explained to me that we're both his dad and he loves us both the same." Buck nonchalantly spoke as Eddie opened and closed his mouth multiple times.

"can we go home now?"

"Buck lives here bud." Buck scoffed and took a step back, looking around the loft, there was not a single memory in there, it was just empty, stray of life. The only photo was of them at universal stuck to his fridge. "Eddie I don't know if you've realised this or not but all my stuff is at yours and I have a room at yours, I'm rarely here."

Chris nodded and grabbed bucks keys as proof. "He even has a key!"

"see I even have a key!" Buck teased as Eddie smiled, grabbing the keys from Chris and holding it up.

"how about you make this one your main one then?" Eddie whispered as Buck nodded, both smiling deeply as they drew closer to each other.

"hey Chris?" Buck spoke as Eddie stopped moving. "Now's the time to look away." Chris nodded and flopped down onto the couch, Buck smiled as their lips finally connecting. Eddie dropping into the kiss, hands snaking up and through his hair.

"ugh!! I looked, damn it!" Chris groaned as they pulled apart giggling. Eddie grabbed bucks hand and squeezed it as Chris groaned again.

"Let's go home?"

"together!" Chris squealed as Eddie and Buck exchanged knowing looks. "Together."

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