Already a family

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Plot: Buck thinks they're still dating, Eddie shows him they're not.

I need you here to stay

looking over at the diazes, chris is sat at the table, shovelling pancakes into his mouth faster than I've ever seen. Eddie's bent over the counter top, reading the newest article of the paper as the coffee brews in the corner. Despite his futile attempts, we kept the hildy.. they kept the hildy.

"Buck? Where's the sugar." He asks with a slight frown, Chris snickers as he turns his head to me. Looking down, he's got the sugar canister on the ground below his seat.

"I don't know Eddie.." I can feel myself smiling as he wanders around the kitchen aimlessly. Throwing his hands in the air as he tries to find it. "I don't need sugar Eddie, I can go get coffee somewhere else."

he snaps his head towards me and frowns, eyes locked on mine. Chris laughing quietly beside him as he doesn't move. These moments, the intimate- non intimate moments, make me feel like maybe we could-

"Eddie?" A small tap of the door and the creaking, the sound of heels and bright smiles enter the quiet atmosphere. Looking away from Eddie and to the curly haired girl who's now made herself known in the kitchen. "I thought we could get breakfast-oh hi Buck."

she seems to grow annoyed when she sees me, maybe I shouldn't be here. To be fair, I am kind of infiltrating a family here, wouldn't be the first time. Swallowing the lump of guilt in my throat, I grab my things, making my way to the door.

"Buck where are you going?" He calls, confusion growing slightly, his feet hitting the floor behind me as he grows closer.

"I need to go anyway, besides Ana's here and you guys probably want some privacy." I say, turning around and meeting the cold smile of Ana. Chris groans and shakes his head, eyes never once meeting Ana's, I don't think he likes her much. "Sugars on the ground, Chris thinks he's clever." I stick my tongue out at him as he calls me a traitor. The deep laughter escapes me as I say goodbye and open the door, going to close it, Eddie slips out with me, closing it behind me.

"what are you doing?" What am I doing..

"you guys are a family, I don't want to disturb that and she's here now so I'm gonna go."

"we're not a family." I can see the gears turning in his head as he tries to come up with something to say. "We're not a family buck, we're broken up, like a good two months. She's just grabbing her things. She's been in Las Vegas for the past month."

Looking in the small window, it makes sense why she looked all put together. I sigh internally as she walks around the house, only now I see her grabbing things.


"yeah, oh." He laughs out. "Besides I prefer my other family." He sounds so sincere and perfect it just makes me want to cry. "You're my family Evan. You always have been, just I didn't know how.. it's you."

"Eddie don't say stuff that-"

he cuts me off, leaning up and placing a small kiss on my lips, the sensation sending tingles through my body as he pulls back. Immediately, I chase after the feeling, this feels right, this always felt right "I love you Evan, I always have, even when I didn't know it."

god that sounds good.

"good, because I don't think I'd be able to handle kissing you and not being in love with you." I joke as he shoves my shoulder playfully. "Besides, I don't think I'd rather be anywhere else but here and with you."

"god I'm going mushy." Eddie whispers, head dropping. Smiling down at him, I place a small kiss on his temple, his eyes shining back up at me with adoration swirling deep inside them.

"Now. Let's go eat breakfast with our son." I whisper to him as he smiles brightly, arm wrapping around my waist as we walk back inside. I can hear him muttering our son as we walk and it makes me go all gushy inside.

"you're gonna have to live here if he's your son, I ain't doing the half in half out shit." Eddie demands. "Oh I'm more than okay doing that."

opening the door, Chris smiles as we both walk back inside. Ana excusing herself, shoving past us both, kinda rude.

"let's eat." I say, closing the door. Chris nods and pats the seat beside him. "Are you and daddy dating now? I saw you guys kissing."

Eddie's eyes shoot to mine, no panic, no scared or worried eyes, half happy half ecstatic eyes glow back at me.

"yeah buddy, you okay with that?"

"more than okay!!" He giggled as Eddie sat down beside him, ruffling his hair. "We're already a family."

Meeting Eddie's eyes above superman, he smiles and grins to himself.

"yeah buddy, we already are."

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