Riding shot-gun

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Plot: "Are you kidding me cap?" Buck groans as everyone stares at him standing outside of the ambulance.
"Just get in buck, sit on someone if you have too." He gestures to everyone who cross their arms and move away. Eddie just sits there.
"Come on buck." He sighs out.

The call went smoothly, saved two teens from a burning basement and managed to be friend a very angry badger. Then they got back to the station, Bobby pulled out the perfect Mac and cheese, the smell wafting through the dining room.

"Come on Cap! It smells delicious." Chim yells as Bobby takes his sweet old time walking over, claiming he didn't want to drop it. All eyes were on the tray as he set it down and took his seat.

"Alright, dig in."

"No prayer cap? That's unlike you." Hen teased as he gave her a deadpanned look. "I'm hungry and it's been busy today let's just-"

The sudden siren burst the bubble as everyone's face dropped.

"Team 118, paramedics needed, no fire trucks, all members on board."

Buck threw his hands in the air and stood up as everyone raced for the ambulance. "Are you kidding me?" He shouts as Eddie pats his back before running downstairs. He takes a final look at the delicious looking dinner before following them with a scowl.

As he gets to the ambulance, it's packed, it's seriously full, no room at all. Hens giving him a smirk as she looks at Eddie and then back at buck.

"Are you kidding me cap?" Buck groans as everyone stares at him standing outside of the ambulance.

"Just get in buck, sit on someone if you have too." He gestures to everyone who cross their arms and move away. Eddie just sits there.

"Come on buck." He sighs out. Patting his lap expectantly as the younger man gulps slightly. Hen snickers from the side as he gets in, slapping her leg slightly. He takes a seat on Eddie's lap as they close the doors.

"Drives about five minutes, hang tight guys." Bobby calls from the front seat as Chim takes off out of the station.

The drive was unexpectedly pleasant, no traffic or crashes along the way. It was all too good, so when the speed bump came without warning. Damn the skin tight uniform pants, he could feel the whole of Eddie half hard beneath him. He thought nothing of it until Eddie's hands snaked to his waist and held him in position.

"You good there Ed's? Bucks not crushing you?" Chim teases as they turn a corner. "No hes good, not that heavy actually."

Scoffing at that, they hit another speed bump. Buck jumped a foot into the air as he hit back down with a thump. Eddie hissed at the contact under his breathe, hands tightening around bucks waist.

Experimentally, he rolled his hips against Eddie and felt him grow harder beneath him. Eddie pulled him back against him as Buck held in a gasp.

"Keep moving like that and we're gonna have a problem." Eddie whispered in his ear as the ambulance came to a stop. A shiver of pleasure running down bucks spine.

"Okay this is what I want. Hen and chimney on the patient, Ravi crowd control, I'll be talking to anybody who may know him and Buck and Eddie, stay here and be ready to go. You can both sit in the front to drive, their will be another ambulance coming as backup."

"Oh come on-"

"Let it go buck." Bobby snapped as they all exited the ambulance. Slamming the doors behind them, Buck groaned before moving to get up. Eddie clamped his hands down harder on his hips, a groan leaving his throat as Buck inhaled sharply.

"Buck.." he groaned out as he rolled his hips harder down. Eddie moved his hands to the front of bucks pants, pressing down. Bucks head flew back as he moaned out. "Shh, gotta be quiet they could be back any second."

"Then make it quick." He whispered back. Eddie's lips wrapped around bucks throat, sucking deeply as he palmed buck through his pants. "Take them off.."

"Cant, we're in public buck. Trust me, when we get back, I'll show you the time of your life." He bit down on his ear, bucks mouth falling open.

"I'm gonna hold you- fuck - to that." Rolling his hips harder, Eddie palmed him deeper as Bucks hips involuntarily snapped up. "Fuck carino, you look so hot when you're moving like that."

"Eddie stop talking like that it's making me crazy." Buck begs as Eddie mumbled something against his neck. "What?"

"I said, you haven't seen nothing yet."

Grabbing his hips, he turned buck around so they were face to face. Pushing bucks hips down, they both moaned at the friction, Eddie's eyes darkening by the second. "Eddie."

"Hmm?" Bucks head flew back as Eddie's hand connected with his dick, holding him firmly. "I'm gonna..-" he cut himself off, grabbing Eddie's hand and shoving it up to his throat. "Please."

Eddie moaned at the idea, gripping firmly as he watched bucks eyes roll back, he felt the all too familiar build up in his stomach. Bucks hips started pistoning against him.

"I'm gonna-"

"Come for me." That was all it took for buck to burst, head falling forward as Eddie's hand loosened against his neck. Buck immediately grabbing it and forcing him to choke him. That seemed to do it for Eddie as he came with a shout, shaking slightly as he continued to grind against buck till they rode out their orgasms.

"God that was hot." Buck laughed as he got off Eddie's lap. "You're hot." Eddie whispered, leaning up and pressing his lips to bucks, the man almost falling against Eddie, moaning between his lips as he held on to the feeling.

"The teams gonna be back any minute now, we better get in the front." Buck nodded, eyes focused on Eddie's lips. "We can kiss more later baby." He smiled as bucks eyes shot to his, kissing him shortly, they both leaned away and straightened their uniforms before getting in the front.

"So I'm guessing-"

"I'd want nothing more than to be your boyfriend Eddie, always have. That back there, that proved that."

Eddie laughed and nodded before leaning slightly to look at buck.

"Im glad that happened."

"So am I."

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