Blank space of potential

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Plot: My spin on the hostage situation :)

"We can't do nothing Athena! He's in there with Eddie!" Buck cried out as they stood in the hospital waiting room. Both police and fire fighters all tense and worried as one of their own was locked in the back of an ambulance with an armed man. "Athena please-"

"Buck we have protocols to go through, it's not as easy as just bursting through those doors and shooting him." She sasses him without the snarky after tone that's usually there. She's worried herself.

Buck groaned and started pacing, walking up the hallway slightly and leaning against the wall, Athena walking up beside him.

"Hostage and armed man are leaving the ambulance now, stand your ground." Bucks head shot to the radio and then to Athena's daring eyes, she shook her head tightly as he flopped back against the wall. "You cant do anything buck." She patted his shoulder lightly, comforting slightly before going back to questioning other people.

Buck waited, his mind spiralling with the different scenarios, the ways this could play out. What if Eddie got shot again? Sure, he's in the will and would do just about anything to protect and care for Chris but Eddie is his father, he needs his dad. He couldn't deal, he wouldn't survive that again. The realisation when the blood splattered across his face and clothes, the look in Eddie's eyes as he fell, being shoved against that cold truck and the sound of another bullet whizzing through the air, it was all too much in that moment. What if-


Several heads including bucks spun to the front entrance, people were screaming and yelling, rushing back inside. Nurses and doctors running for safety as the sound of silence outside made buck want to tear a hole in his cheek. Athena rounded the corner, yelling frantically over the radio. He made quick eye contact with her before turning back to the front doors, legs itching to move.

"Eddie." He whispered, antsy jitters gushing through his body, then he heard it. "Man shot, man down." He took off, sprinting out of the hospital, Athena calling for him to stay back. He couldn't hear anything over the sound of his heart pounding against his chest, the lights and swat surrounding the ambulance almost made him throw up as he got outside.

"EDDIE! EDDIE!" He yelled, rushing to the ambulance, the first thing he saw was legs and he slowed. "EDDIE!" He shouted again, rounding the corner, coming to a halt. Making eye contact with the very much alive Eddie , he took a deep breathe, body feeling like jelly as he let it sink in that eddie was fine.

"I need you to get them to get an ES, or a gurney or something!" Eddie shouted as Buck halted, watching as he gave cpr to the man, who had a bullet through his head.

"Eddie, he's uh-"

"Not dead, it's just pierced his flesh, his hearts still beating. I need you to get me a gurney or a nurse or something!" He demanded, Buck nodded, taking off back inside, shouting for anybody to come help. Of course, several staff came to their aid, taking the man inside and still anxious about the situation outside, obvious hands shaking and eyes flittering from swat member to swat member.

"Oh he's the shooter too. Just make sure he lives." Eddie shouted as they took off. Buck turned to him as he finally let his tough macho act drop, his eyes drooped as his shoulders slackened.

"Eddie, what happened?" Bucks voice was soft and curious as he stood infront of him, a couple feet to the side of the ambulance. "Why-"

"He's still human buck. Despite what he did, he needs to live and if he does, then he will be in jail for the rest of his life and honestly? He deserves it, not to go so easily."

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