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"RANBOO" yelled a strawberry blond named Tommy, waking up an enderman hybrid, Ranboo, 6 feet 6, with black and white hair, wear a crown and a formal suit, from a deep sleep in his little dream world. The blond ran through the flower field where his friend was sleeping to join him. The half enderman sat slowly and turned his head to see a 6 feet tall winged blond boy, with a red shirt, skinny pants and a blue coat running toward him with his leather boots. He started to realize that he had slept there for too long; he was in the flower field when it was the afternoon and now the sun was setting. "HEY BOOB BOY, I was looking for you" the blond one said as he sat next to the other one, he turned to gaze at the sunset in front of him. "Don't call me that, also why do you need me for? I have done all of the work I was supposed to do before coming here" the hybrid asked his friend who seemed to be amazed by the sunset. Tommy turned to him, looking at him with annoyed eyes, he stood up and offered his hand to the other one that was still sitting, Ranboo took his hand gladly and the blond pulled him up. Once standing up, the enderboy looked over to the smaller one with questioning eyes. "Well, mister 'I have a f*cking bad memory', we need to go to the firework festival TONIGHT and we are so f*cking late, they probably already shoot the fireworks in the sky" Tommy replied. Sudden realization hit the taller one. "Oh yeah, I have completely forget about that" he said as the rub his neck awkwardly. "NOW WHAT THE F*CK ARE YOU WAITING FOR? LET'S GOOOOO" the blond shouted as he started to run to their village and join their friends. "WAIT FOR ME" the half enderman shouted back as he followed the blond.

Once arrived to the village, everyone was already preparing the fireworks, ready to shoot those beautiful colored explosion in the sky. (OH, have I mentioned that it's already the night?). They walked through the busy crowd, looking for their friends probably helping the other villagers. The blond felt a hand patting his head, causing the blond to turn around. As soon as he turned around, he saw a 6 feet 5 brunet, with a yellow sweater, a red beanie on his head, some black pants, leather boots as well and a pair of round glass, smiling at him softly. It was his older brother, Wilbur, he hugged him tight then let go after few seconds. "I thought you two would come" the brunet one said. "Well ask boob boy why are we late" the blond one replied then glared at the enderman hybrid. "I just overslept, okay?" the enderboy replied as he glared back. "Okay, that's enough you two. Now let's join Phil and Techno, they must be waiting for us" Wilbur said as he turned around and signaled them to follow him. And they did so.

After few minutes of walking, the enderman hybrid got distracted for some reason. He had noticed a small shadow walking through the crowd and because of that distraction; he didn't saw Tommy and Wilbur near him anymore. He looked back to the small shadow again and he noticed that he was going out of the village. Ranboo decided to follow him, he didn't know why but he felt something strange by looking at the mysterious shadow, he felt like a mix of emotion even though the shadow was a complete stranger to him.

The shadow got out the village and Ranboo was still following it. They went to the flower field and sat down under a tree, and then they started gazing at the beautiful night sky full of stars. Ranboo became even more curious about them; it looked so small with their black cape covering their body and their face. Being too much focus on the mysterious shadow sitting under the tree, Ranboo didn't saw a stick that was lying on the ground. He accidentally stepped on it and let out loud crack. The little shadow turned to him and stood up immediately. They were about to run but Ranboo was fast enough to take their wrist. They both looked into each other eyes, completely being mesmerized by each other. The little shadow revealed to have a cute face, brown hair, pale skin with blue beautiful eyes, pink lips. Ranboo couldn't let his eyes off them. And to his surprise, they seemed to not get their eyes off him either. (Love at first sight/hj). A comfortable silence was created but the shadow broke it as they spoke "Can you let me go, it's starting to hurt?" The half enderman let go immediately, he didn't want to hurt the little one, who was really small compared to him. "I-I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to" he apologized, trying to not panic. "It's okay, it doesn't hurt that much anyway" the smaller one replied as they started to rub their hands on their arms, trying to warm up, but end up trembling to the cold of the night, their cloak wasn't obviously warm enough. "Are you cold?" Ranboo asked as he got worried. "No, I'm fine. It is surely just a little breeze plus I'm already used to it" they replied as they turned around and tried to walk away from Ranboo. "No, please, wait-"

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