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After that little incident, they walked out of Ranboo's house. Tommy went to join his brothers and left Tubbo and Ranboo alone. They both went to the library where Ranboo was working as a librarian. Ranboo was reading a book and Tubbo was listening. "Hey, Tubbo, do you want to read?" Ranboo asked Tubbo. "Well, I don't know. I.... uhm.... Have dyslexia" Tubbo said as he looked down. "But you don't have to feel sorry for me though" Tubbo said as he looked up at Ranboo again with a smile. "It's okay, Tubbo. I can help you with that if you want" Ranboo said as he put a hand on Tubbo cheek, softly caressing it. Tubbo blushed at the attention. "You would really do that for me?" Tubbo asked as he took Ranboo's hand that was on his cheek and pulled it away. "Of course, that's what friends do, helping each other" Ranboo said smiling with joy.

After few hours, Tubbo felt not well and fell on the floor while he was flying and helping Ranboo put some books in a bookshelf. Ranboo let the books that he was holding in his hands and ran to Tubbo. "Tubbo, are you okay?" Ranboo asked the bee, he became really worried. "I feel tired" Tubbo replied. "Do you need flowers? Do you want me to" Ranboo suggested to Tubbo, picking up in a bridal style and put him gently on a chair. Tubbo then nodded slowly. "Okay, stay here, I'll be quick don't worry" Ranboo said as he literally sprinted out of the library to get to the nearest flower shop. Ranboo rushed to the first flower shop he saw and asked for any flower bouquet that they could sell the fast as they could. He got the flowers and left as fast as he could.

When he arrived at the library again, he saw Tubbo on the floor. He passed out a few minutes ago. Ranboo walked to him and got on his knees. He pulled Tubbo closer to his chest and put the flowers on Tubbo's chest. "Please, Tubbo, wake up" Ranboo said, nothing happening, "PLEASE, wake up" but still no reaction from the bee hybrid. He started to cry, he didn't want him to die. "TUBBO, WAKE UP" Ranboo screamed this time. Tubbo started to move slowly, he opened his eyes and saw Ranboo crying. "Hey boo, don't cry. I'm okay, now" Tubbo said as Ranboo looked at him. "Tubbo, thanks god you are okay. " Ranboo said as he hugged him tight. Tubbo hugged him back. "Thanks boss man, I don't think I can thank you enough for this" Tubbo said as he kissed Ranboo's cheek. Ranboo blushed at that. "It's okay; you don't have to thank me. I'll always be there for you" Ranboo said he smiled at Tubbo. They looked into each other's eyes. Ranboo lookded at Tubbo's lips then looked at his eyes. He leaned for a kiss and Tubbo followed. But just the moment were their lips were about to touch, someone burst into the library. It was Tommy. "Hey guys, I'm here to tell you that- OH MY F*CKING GOODNESS, WHAT THE F*CK" Tommy shouted as he covered his eyes. He ran out of the library, leaving the two there being blushing mess. Ranboo pushed Tubbo gently and got up. "I-I think I'm going to after him." Ranboo said as he ran out of the library. He went out and saw Tommy still recovering from what he saw. "Hey Tommy, I'm sorry you had to see that. I..... We didn't mean to do that" Ranboo explained to Tommy; Tommy looked at him. "Okay Boob boy, whatever you say" Tommy said "but I need to tell you that I heard hunters were coming back to the village-"

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