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"WHAT THE F*CK?!" Tommy yelled as he saw Ranboo cuddling with someone on the bed. "WHO THE F*CK IS THIS?" He yelled again and Tubbo got scared, he pulled himself closer to Ranboo's chest in fear, which made Ranboo mad at Tommy for scaring him. "How did you get into my house?" Ranboo asked giving Tommy an angry glare. "I have the double key of your house, you know and you didn't answer my question. Who the f*ck is this" Tommy replied pointing at Tubbo, who was now trembling. Ranboo looked at him and whispered "don't worry, he may be loud but he isn't a threat". Tubbo looked at him and nodded slowly. "His name is Tubbo and he will be staying with me for now." Ranboo said as he looked at Tommy with a serious face. Tommy just nodded and started to walk to the door. "Well, I'm going downstairs and leave you lovebirds alone then" Tommy said as he leave the room "Wait, we aren't-" Ranboo got cut off by the door closing, leaving a loud clack.

He sat up slowly. "Are you alright, Tubbo?" Ranboo asked Tubbo, as Tubbo slowly looked up at him. Tubbo nodded and sat up too. "I think we should change our clothes and then head downstairs" Ranboo said as he got up and went to his closet. He took some clothes out and started to walk out of the room. "I'll change in the bathroom, also you can still take some clothes of mine" he said as he walked out of the room and closed the door. He went to the bathroom and changed his clothes. After that, he went downstairs and saw Tommy comfortably sitting on the couch. He turned to Ranboo then walked to him. "So why didn't you tell me" Tommy asked with a smirk on his face. "Tell you what?" Ranboo asked confusedly. "That you have a f*cking boyfriend" Tommy said "WHA-NO NO NO NO, HE ISN'T my boyfriend" Ranboo tried to explain but couldn't help but panic (Gay panic, lol) "Then why were you guys sleeping together? CUDDLING together? And even whispereing to each other?" Tommy asked suspiciously. "Well....I....uhm....I-I..." Ranboo to explain so badly but he was cut off by Tubbo making his way downstairs. "Ranboo" Tubbo called as he reached the last step. Ranboo looked at him and a soft blush appeared on his face. He saw Tubbo in his clothes, which were oversized on him, and he found him cute. (Tubbo is always cute, right?)

"Earth to Ranboo" Tommy said as he moved his hand in front of Ranboo. Ranboo just looked away from him, being red as a tomato. Tommy turned to Tubbo and walked up to him."Hi, my name is Tommy" he said as he offered his hand to shake. Tubbo took his hand and shook it. "I think you already know my name, but just as a reminder, I'm Tubbo" Tubbo said as they let go of each other's hand. Tommy looked closely at Tubbo and noticed that he had bee antennas and bee wings. "HOLY F*CKING SH*T, YOU ARE A F*CKING BEE HYBRID" He screamed and Tubbo flinched and then covered his ears. Ranboo ran up to them and got in front of Tubbo. "His ears are sensible , so please try to be quiet" he said as he put his arms protectively around Tubbo."Oh okay, I'm sorry, Tubbo" Tommy said "Do you guys want to take breakfast? I brought some muffins from Bad's bakery" Tommy asked as an apology. "Well, thanks Tommy, we would love to" Tubbo replied quietly still between Ranboo's arms. "Yeah, we would like to" Ranboo replied too.

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