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"What did you just say?" Tubbo asked as he walked to the two. He knew that hunters meant danger to him. He knew about the story of his kind. He knew that he couldn't put Ranboo in danger. And the most important of all, he knew that he couldn't stay with Ranboo any longer or Ranboo will be in so much trouble. "I said hunters were coming back to the village" Tommy said "And they are talking to Techno and Phil, now". "Wait, what do you mean back?" Ranboo asked. "They were here last night, they were just here for supplies and that's all" Tommy explained "Do you think they know about Tubbo?" Ranboo asked as he looked at Tubbo who was lost in his though. "What do you mean?" Tommy asked confusedly. "Have you ever heard of the story of bee hybrids?" Ranboo asked looking back at Tommy, "Ohw..... I didn't think of that" Tommy replied "I don't think they know about Tubbo, but I think they will stay here for a little longer that yesterday". "And why that?" Tubbo finally said. "Well, one of them is injured and they can't go without him" Tommy said. If the hunters stay, they would probably come out and see Tubbo in the village. So Tubbo thought of taking advantage of them staying to leave the village. But where will he go?

"Are you okay bee?" Ranboo asked the bee hybrid, snapping him out of his though. "Yeah" Tubbo replied quietly. "Let's go home and we will talk about it, okay?" Ranboo said as he took Tubbo's hand gently. Tubbo just nodded. They said their goodbye to Tommy and walked to Ranboo's house. Once in, they sat on the couch, staying silent. Then Tubbo spoke "I think I'm going to leave the village". Ranboo felt this heart sank. Just the thought of the bee leaving him hurt him. He didn't know why but he felt something for the bee hybrid, he didn't what it was but he was sure it was something. (Isn't it obvious, Ranboo?) "No, bee, you... I-I won't let you. I want you to stay with me. I don't care if some stupid hunters come here and try to take you away for me, I'll protect you with my life if necessary" The enderman hybrid exclaimed with all his heart, he really meant everthing he said. "But boo, I don't want you to get in trouble and all of that because of me" Tubbo replied as he took both of Ranboo's hand and caressed them softly. He was trying to calm Ranboo down.

"I'll go with you then" Ranboo said suddenly, shocking Tubbo. "The f*ck did you just said?" Tubbo said trying to be calm as possible; "I said I will go with you if you leave the village" Ranboo said, dead serious, "You would do that for me?" Tubbo said "we just know each other for 3 days now. What the f*ck could possibly make you do this?". "I don't really know actually, I just feel like it, and to be honest I'm kind of bored of my life here. I'm just reading at the library, training with my sword, and hanging out with Tommy EVERYDAY. Don't get me wrong, I love hanging out with Tommy but it's getting boring at the end." Ranboo explained to Tubbo calmly. "And even if you go with me, where would we go?" Tubbo said, looking at Ranboo in the eyes. "Well, we will explore the world." Ranboo said with a big smile on his face, leaving Tubbo shocked again. "We will go explore this vast world; we have some much to explore. You and me. The enderman hybrid and the last bee hybrid exploring biome to biome together." Ranboo said as he looked at Tubbo. Tubbo nodded his head. "Well, let's go then boss man" Tubbo said as he hugged Ranboo. Ranboo hugged him back. He couldn't feel happier than that.

Then they heard the door burst open. "RANBOOB YOU B*CTH, YOU WERE GOING TO F*CKING LEAVE THE VILLAGE AND THEN F*CKING EXPLORE THE WORLD" Tommy entered into the house and shouted like crazy "AND ALL OF THAT WITHOUT ME???" Tommy then walked to the two, broke their hug by sitting right in the middle. "If you two are really going to leave, then take me with you" Tommy said as he crossed his arms. Tubbo and Ranboo looked at each other, and then Tubbo nodded as if he was saying that 'he could come with them'. Ranboo then smiled and said "then you will come with us Tommy". Tommy's face lit up and a big smile appeared. "YES, POG" Tommy said as he stood up and jumped around; "so when are we leaving?" Tommy asked excitedly. "Tomorrow morning, enough time to get our stuff" Ranboo said as he stood up, Tubbo stood up as well. "Are you sure, you guys want to do this?" Tubbo asked the both of them. "Yes, I'll do it for you." Ranboo said "HECK YEAH, I want to get out of this village" Tommy said. "Then thank you two, a lot" Tubbo said as he pulled them both in a hug, they both hugged back.

"Wait, what were you doing here, Tommy?" Ranboo asked curiously as they all pulled away from the hug. "Well, I knew you guys would have plan something because of those f*ckers (hunters), so I wanted to know what was the plan" Tommy explained "I gotta go now, I'll tell my family I'm leaving. Then I'll get my stuff and join you two at the flower field, tomorrow". "Got it Big man" Tubbo said cheerfully. Tommy smiled and waved good bye. Ranboo went upstairs and Tubbo followed him. They prepared all the necessary things they would need: clothes, weapons, food, etc. Then they talked for few hours until they noticed that the night has come. They fell asleep pretty quickly.

The next day, Tubbo and Ranboo were the first one at the flower field. Tommy joined them few minutes after. They were ready to go, ready to live a new life, ready for an adventure. Tubbo and Ranboo were holding hands when they were walking. Tommy just let a fake gagging sound and mumbled 'stupid lovebird'. They arrived at the end of the flower field; a forest was in front of them and a dirt road in the middle of it. "READY GUYS" Tommy shouted, "Yeah" Tubbo and Ranboo said in sync. Tommy was the first to run in. And Tubbo and Ranboo followed.

That was just the start of a new adventure for the three of them.

The last bee hybrid _Beeduo story_Where stories live. Discover now