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They let the boat, waving to the Captain Puffy and her crews good bye. They were walking in a village when Ranboo put on of his coat on Tubbo, covering Tubbo's head and back, which means he wasn't flying anymore. They were walking through the village admiring every beautiful details of it.

"So after Kinoko, where are we going to go" Tommy asked Ranboo who was next to him. "Let me check on the map." He said as he took a map out of his bag. "Well, there's a kingdom named 'Pride kingdom' a bit away from here, we could go there" Ranboo said as he looked at Tommy and put the map back in his bag. "Okay then but let's find something to eat, I'm starving" Tommy said as he looked at Ranboo and started to turn behind him to see Tubbo, who was being quiet for some reason. Then when he turned around, his eyes widened, Tubbo was nowhere to be found. "Ranboo, where did Tubbo go" Tommy asked Ranboo, who immediately turned around. Ranboo was now panicked. "We need to find him Tommy. Who knows what could have happened to him." Ranboo said as he ran into a random direction, hoping to find Tubbo. Tommy just followed him.

Meanwhile with Tubbo, he got distracted by something flying; it was a mushroom, a flying mushroom. Tubbo followed it and it stopped in a hallway, Tubbo stopped too. The mushroom transformed into a boy with a mushroom hat, black and white goggles, brown hair, pointed ears, blue sweatshirt, and some jeans. He also looked to be 5 feet 8. Tubbo got scared at first and backed away a little. The mushroom boy looked at him and noticed that he backed away from them. "Hey you don't need to be scared; I'm just a forest nymph and I don't want to hurt anyone" the boy said and Tubbo relaxed. The mushroom boy seemed nice. The boy offered his hand to shake and Tubbo took it gladly. "I'm George" the mushroom boy said. "You can call me Tubbo." Tubbo introduced himself letting go of George's hand. "You look lost, do you need help?" George asked Tubbo "Yes. I think you disrtracted when you were flying and I followed you without thinking." Tubbo replied, a little bit embarrassed. "Follow me Tubbo" George said as he walked further in the hallway. Tubbo followed him. He leaded him to a balcony. "Let's stay here, maybe you can look and remember where you came from or something else" George said as he sat down on the edge of the balcony. "Well, maybe I can find my friends from here." Tubbo said as he started to look down from the balcony. "Be careful, you fall you know" George said and Tubbo just nodded and continued to look for his friends.

Then he turned to look at George, George was watching a couple pass by, Tubbo could see the envy in his eyes. "You envy them, don't you" Tubbo said to George and George looked at him. "Yes, but I know that things like that would never happen to me." George said as he looked back down. "And why that?" Tubbo asked curiously. "My lover left kinoko a year ago and since then he never came back. I'm worried about him and thinking that he would never come back" George said as he took off his goggles and wiped the tears that fell down his cheeks. Tubbo didn't hesitated but hugged him and to his surprise, George hugged back then pulled away. "I shouldn't tell you that, I just met you" George said as he giggled. "It's okay" Tubbo said as he smiled.

Then he looked down again and his eyes widened, the hunters were down here. "Hey are you okay?" George asked. Tubbo just pointed at the hunters. "Ohw... Are they searching for you?" George asked as he looked at Tubbo. Tubbo nodded and George took his hand then ran to the hallway again. They ran to somewhere until they dumped into someone. Tubbo looked up to see Ranboo, Tommy was just behind him, and then Tubbo hugged Ranboo. "Tubbo, you are safe" Ranboo said as he hugged back. Then he looked at the person behind Tubbo. "Who is that?" Ranboo asked. "His name is George" Tubbo replied "also the hunters are here, we need to go away right now." Tommy and Ranboo nodded, Tubbo turned to George and said "Don't lose hope; I'm pretty sure your lover will come back for you". Then he ran with the other two.

Few minutes passed and George was roaming around Kinoko then he dumped into someone. He looked up and saw a man wearing a mask with a smiley face. "Dream?" He said and the man looked at him. He took off the mask revealing his beautiful emerald eyes, they were watering. Then Dream hugged George as tight as he could and burst down into tears. "George, it's you. I thought you won't remember me anymore" Dream said as George hugged him back. "Of course, I would remember you idiot." George said. They looked at each other and kissed. They kissed for a few seconds when someone said "No, please, I don't want to be a third wheel again". (I think we all know who it was) They pulled away, still into each other's arms not wanting to be separate again, and then they all burst out laughing.

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