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After months of exploring, they managed to explore almost all the biomes: snow biome, jungle, savanna, desert, mesa biome, mountains and even mineshaft. They enjoyed everything to bits. They had found a flower in the middle of a mountain and a village just nearby. Tommy chose to stay at the village, becoming the best warrior and protector of the village. He found himself liking the village and his people, so decided to stay there.

For Tubbo and Ranboo, they chose to build a house in the flower field. It took them a whole year to finish it but at the end it was worth it. They decided to get married two year after that. They organized it in the village; everyone was enjoying them as well so everyone helped them. Tommy was their best man, which was pretty obvious. And they lived happily together.

"And that's how the story ends, kids?" an old man said.

"WAIT, that's all" a little girl said to the old man. "What happened to the bee and enderman?" a little boy asked. "Well, after they got married, they build a lovely house near a flower field and adopted a little piglin. They were happier than ever. They grew old together but Tubbo passed away first due to old age and Ranboo waited until it was his time to join his lover and eventually joined him. I think they are now in heaven, happy to be with each other once again" the old man said as the two little children looked at each other. "And what happened to the piglin, Grandpa Tommy?" the little girl asked as she looked back the old man. "Why don't you ask your dad?" Tommy said and the two looked at their dad with questioning eyes."Dad, can you tell us?" The little girl said "Of course, the little piglin became a strong warrior and an excellent farmer as he grew up. After his parents' death, he went to this village and found the love of his life. They got married and after that he got two beautiful children, who are always asking stories for their Grandpa" The piglin man said as his children sat on his tight, one on the right and one on the left. "That is true, Michael" Tommy said as he chuckled at the last part. "Wait, so are the piglin????" the little girl said "And the bee and the enderman were our grandparents too?" the little boy said. "Well, yes and you know what?" the piglin said "What?" the children said in sync. "I think they would both be happy to know that they had grandchild like you two" the piglin said to his children and kissed their front head. "YAY" the children said in sync again. Then a woman walked into the room. "It's time for diner everyone" she said and both of the children jump off their dad's knees and ran up to her. "Mom, did you know that our grandparents were a bee and an enderman?" the little boy asked his mom happily, their mom giggled a little. "I'm pretty sure it was a bee hybrid and an enderman hybrid but YES, of course I knew my parents-in-law" she said as she patted his head. "Now, let's eat." She said as they all followed her to the dining room.


The last bee hybrid _Beeduo story_Where stories live. Discover now