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The next day

Ranboo still couldn't get the boy of yesterday out of his head. No matter how hard he is trying to forget him he couldn't. He was working in a library in the village, teaching the kids to read and to write too sometimes. He decided to go for a walk, in a forest that he had never seen before. He was in the forest, walking pass the trees, until he stopped when he realized that he was lost. He kept walking hoping to find his way back to the village. When suddenly he heard a noise coming from the bushes, he got scared and the worst of all he didn't bring any weapons to defend himself. He flinched and backed away as something jump out of it. But luckily, it was just a rabbit. He sighed being reassured.

He continued walking and he heard a noise again. This time it was not coming from a bush, it was coming from behind him. It sounded like a scream, someone was screaming for help. Ranboo was hesitant but he managed to find the courage to go there. He took a long stick from the ground and start walking toward the noise. The screams became louder as he approached. Then he saw him, Tubbo, but without the cloak. Ranboo could see that he has bee's antennae on his head and bee wings coming from his back, Ranboo was really shocked to see, for the first time in his life, a BEE HYBRID. But his shocked expression was soon replaced with a concerned and angry expression. The bee hybrid was in a tree and wolfs were just under it, trying to get the poor bee.

Ranboo got an idea, instead of going straight into the wolfs and fight them, he was going to teleport to the bee boy then teleport them away from the wolfs. And he did so; the small bee hybrid was really confused as he got teleported to another place all of the sudden. He looked around and saw a tall boy standing right next to him. He jumped in fear and was about to fly away but Ranboo caught him before he got higher. "NO! LET ME GO" Tubbo shouted "Is that how you say thank you" Ranboo said calmly not wanting to scare him even more. Tubbo suddenly realize that the tall boy was Ranboo, the enderman hybrid he met yesterday. "Ranboo?.... It's you?" Tubbo said as got down again, looking at Ranboo. "Yep, the one and only" Ranboo replied, smiling at the smaller. "Well, thanks for saving me then" Tubbo said as he blushed a little bit "But where did you teleport us though?" he asked. "I don't know" Ranboo said quietly and looked away in embarrassment (he couldn't control teleporting completely which is why he didn't teleport right away to village when he was lost in the forest) "WHAT THE F*CK DO YOU MEAN YOU DON'T KNOW" Tubbo yelled as he started to panic. "I just teleported us somewhere. I don't control the whole teleporting thing yet" Ranboo said as he looked back at the panic bee. "But don't worry, I have a good orientation sense, I can get us both to home." (Says the one who got bad memories. Sorry, just being sarcastic over my own speech, NOW GET BACK TO READING)

The two of them started to calm down. Ranboo started to look around the area, they were inside of a cave, and there was a beautiful waterfall that headed from outside the cave and an exit just on the right of it. "I think we should get out of here" Ranboo said as he took Tubbo's hand. "Yeah, I don't like been in cave anyway". And they both headed out.

The last bee hybrid _Beeduo story_Where stories live. Discover now