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They were in the forest, walking (or flying for Tubbo) through the wood. Ranboo was collecting flowers on the way, trying to make a flower crown for Tubbo. Once he was done, he turned to look at Tubbo who was talking to Tommy, giggling cutely as Tommy told him his woman jokes. He walked to Tubbo and put the flower crown gently on his head. Tubbo looked at him and flew up to his cheek, then kissed it (as always). "Thanks boss man" Tubbo said with a big smile on his face. "And me? Don't I deserve a kiss too" Tommy said, he just wanted to annoy Ranboo and make him jealous, and he thought that would be pretty funny. Tubbo flew to Tommy and kissed his cheek too. "And another one" Tommy said as he pointed to his other cheek and looked at Ranboo from the corner of his eye. Ranboo looked a bit jealous as Tommy predicted it. "Okay then big man" Tubbo said and he giggled a bit. He kissed Tommy's other cheek and Tommy chuckled. "I think we should keep going guys" Ranboo said as he was getting annoyed. They kept walking until they arrived at a lake. They decided to take a break and eat for a bit.

But suddenly, an arrow got shoot at Ranboo. It didn't hit him but that caused them to stand up almost immediately. They looked in the direction where the arrow came from and saw two hunters standing between the trees. The one on the right side had black raven hair, a white bandana on his head, black and white clothes, and netherite armor; and he was holding a crossbow, which means he is the one that shoot the arrow. The other one on the left was wearing a green lime hoodie with some black pants and a mask with a smiley face on it, his face was hidden but we could see that he had dirty blond hair, he had netherite armor as well and he was holding a netherite axe in his hand too. Tubbo hid behind Ranboo, Tommy took his sword out and Ranboo as well. "Give us the bee hybrid or else" The smiley man said. "And what if we say no?" Ranboo said as he gave the smiley man a death glare. "Well we won't have any other choose than kill you two." The smiley man replied. "Yeah no" Tommy replied back. "So you have chosen death" The raven said as he took out his sword and put the crossbow on his back. The hunters charged to them and Tubbo went to hide behind a tree. Ranboo and Tommy were fighting the hunters, Ranboo got his arm injured and Tommy his leg. The two hunters stopped to fight as the two other were on the ground and they started to search for the bee hybrid but he was nowhere to be seen.

Then suddenly a tree fell on the raven one and crushed him to the ground, leaving him unconscious. The smiley man looked over the raven one and ran to him, trying to cut the tree above him. Tubbo flew discretely to Tommy and Ranboo. "Ranboo, help me" Tubbo whispered as he helped Tommy stand up. Ranboo walked to them and helped Tubbo. They went in the forest still unnoticed by the hunter who was busy cutting the tree.

After a few minutes, they were away from the hunters. The hunters didn't follow them. They were relieved as they arrived at the entrance of a cave. They stepped in and sat down. "Wow, they were strong." Tommy said "Yeah but I think that tree left the other one with broken bones" Tubbo said as they all laughed. "But how did that tree fall?" Ranboo asked confusedly. "I made it fall." Tubbo exclaimed, being proud of him after saving his friends. "How the f*ck did you do that?" Tommy asked, looking at Tubbo. "Well, I have some weapon with me" Tubbo said as if making a big tree fall was nothing. Then he looked at Tommy's injured leg and walked to him. "What are you doing?" Tommy asked. "I'm going to heal your leg, so don't move please" Tubbo said as he put his hands on it. A yellow light appeared slowly and a few minutes later, as the light started to disappear, Tommy's leg was like it has never been injured. "WOOOOOOOOOW THAT WAS AMAZING" Tommy screamed. Then Tubbo walked to Ranboo. "Can I heal your hand?" he asked. "If you really want to do it" Ranboo said as he showed his arm to Tubbo. Tubbo held his arm and a yellow light appeared again then disappear after few minutes. Ranbbo's arm was healed. "Thank you so much, bee" Ranboo said as he smiled and looked at Tubbo. His smile faded as Tubbo looked not well. "Tubbo, are you okay?" Ranboo asked as he held his hand gently. Tubbo couldn't say anything and fainted. Ranboo held him close to him and kissed his front head. He looked over to Tommy who looked as concerned as him. "I think we should go, now" Ranboo suggested as he stood up with Tubbo in his arm, which means he picked him up in a bridal style. Tommy nodded and stood up.

They walked until they got out the forest; they were now in another biome, a spruce forest biome.

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