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They entered the spruce forest and walked for a while until they stopped at a village. That village was near the ocean and there were boat everywhere. They hide in a hallway. Ranboo sat on the floor with Tubbo on his lap. Tommy was looking if the hunters had found them, yet. The enderman hybrid found himself playing with the bee hybrid's hair, watching him sleep peacefully in his arms. He felt bad for making him weak, he felt bad for making him use his healing power on him.

Then Tubbo opened his eyes slowly, he looked up at Ranboo. "Ranboo?" Tubbo said quietly and Ranboo looked at him. He couldn't help but hug Tubbo tight and Tubbo eventually hugged back. "I'm sorry, Tubbo" Ranboo said to Tubbo as Tubbo ently pulled away "Sorry for what?" Tubbo asked confusedly. "For making you use your power on me, now you aren't well because of that" Ranboo said. "You didn't make me, boss man, I choose to do that to you and Tommy because you guys are my friends" Tubbo explained as he put his hands on Ranboo's cheeks. "Really?" Ranboo asked as he held Tubbo's hands, taking them off his cheeks. Tubbo just nodded and smiled."AWWW, you lovebirds are cute" Tommy teased, looking at them. Tubbo and Ranboo blushed. "WE AREN'T LOVEBIRDS" They both shouted at the same time. (in sync bb)Tommy sigh and said "Anyway, the two hunters are here and I don't know how the f*ck the raven one did to survive the tree but he is here with the smiley man." Tommy said as he pointed at the two hunters searching for them. Luckily the hunters didn't saw them.

They also noticed that there was a boat that was about to sail away. They quickly ran up to the boat and jumped on edge of it. They saw an open window and got slowly to it. As they entered in, they noticed that it was a room full of bag of potatoes, some box, chests, barrels, and other stuff that they didn't know the name. "I don't know where this boat is going but I think it's better than being hunted down by fierce hunters." Tommy said as he sat on a box. Tubbo sat next to him on another box. Ranboo just looked through the window and watched the boat get more and more away from land. "Oh Tubbo, I didn't thank you for healing my leg earlier." Tommy said as he looked at Tubbo. "It's fine, big man." Tubbo said with as he smiled. Tommy hugged Tubbo, pulling Tubbo close to him. Suddenly a trap door above them opened, causing them to turn to look at the trap door. A sheep hybrid woman appeared and saw them.

"What are you three doing in here?" she asked them. They just looked at each other and the sheep woman sighed. "Come on, don't stay down there, come with me" she said as she pulled down a ladder. They hesitated but then climb up the ladder. When they got out, the woman gasped as she saw Tubbo. "Are you a bee hybrid?" She asked Tubbo, still amazed of what she is seeing in front of her. Tubbo nodded. "Follow me boys" she said and they did so. They followed her to the above part of the boat. (I'm really bad at describing a boat and I don't know what this part is called, so can you please comment it down below if you know, thank you.) Then suddenly, the crews looked at them, some were shocked, some were confused, some were just like 'what the f*ck'. "GET BACK TO WORK EVERYONE" the woman shouted and the crews got back to their work, she signaled the three boys to follow her. They followed her. They went in a room where the woman proposed them to sit on the couch.

"So my name is Puffy" she said, "more like pussy" Tommy mumbled, "what was that" she said looking at Tommy, "oh nothing" Tommy replied. "As I was saying, I'm Puffy, and I'm the captain of this ship" Puffy explained "Now I need to know why you were guys in the basement of my ship" she asked seriously. "Well, we were running from hunters and entered in your ship to escape them." Ranboo explained calmly. "Is that because he is a bee hybrid" She asked and they all nodded. "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone that you were on this ship" Puffy said as she smiled at them. "Do you mind take us to Kinoko kingdom?" Ranboo asked politely. "Kinoko kingdom? Of course, we are going there anyway." Puffy said happily.

After few hours, they arrived in Kinoko kingdom.

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