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They were both out of the cave, standing next to each other, hoping to find their way. They were surrounded by trees and the only thing they could hear was birds, the wind blowing the trees and a river flowing nearby. They walked until they reach the river. Ranboo suddenly remembered (yeah, suddenly) there was a river next to his village. "I think we should follow the river, my village is next to a river, so I may have teleported us near that river." Ranboo said as he pointed at the direction where the river was flowing. Tubbo just nodded his head. They walked for a little while when Ranboo said "So you're a bee hybrid?". Tubbo nodded again and said "Yep".

"But aren't the bee hybrid..... extinct?" Ranboo asked "They are but I'm the last one, quite sad, right?" Tubbo said, having a sad expression on his face."I'm sorry to hear" Ranboo said "do you have friends?"he said trying to change the subject. "Beside the bees, not really" Tubbo said, still having a sad expression. "Well you are wrong" The enderboy said with a huge smile on his face "What do you mean?" Tubbo replied confusedly. "Well, I'm your friend now, so you have me and the bees" Ranboo said, and Tubbo smiled. Ranboo could feel his cheeks heat up for a second. "Do you have friends?" The bee hybrid asked curiously "Yes, I have some." Ranboo replied "How are they?" Tubbo replied back. "One of them is really energetic and swears a lot. He is loud but his company is always enjoyable. He is like my best friend. He has two older brothers, they are also my friends. One of them loves playing guitar, he also loves reading and the other loves reading and fighting, he is the best fighter I've ever met. And they also have a father; he is also like a father to me. And last but not least, you" Ranboo said, looking at the bee hybrid that was flying next to him. "What do you do at your village?" Tubbo asked him, becoming more curious "I'm a librarian, I also teach the kids to read and write sometimes. And you, what do you do?" Ranboo said "Not much, I'm just flying around the forest, talking to bees and trying to find more supplies to live" Tubbo said with a proud look on his face, after all he was alone and he had to independent or he won't survive this wild world. "Don't you have a house" Ranboo asked, he started to worry about the tiny boy. Tubbo shoke his head, which means it's a no. "And you are not scared" Ranboo replied with an impressed expression, Tubbo shoke his head again "I'm used to so it's not a problem".

They stayed silent for a little while, when Tubbo got down and started walking. "Are you alright?" Ranboo asked concerned, he didn't know why but he was caring a lot for the bee hybrid. "Yeah, my wings are just tired. And I also need some flowers. I'm a bee after all." Tubbo replied as he walked slowly. "Maybe we should take a break, you look tired" Ranboo suggested as he stopped walking, letting Tubbo catch up to him. "Okay, but not for so long, it's starting to get dark" Tubbo replied. "Sit down, I'll be back" Ranboo said as he went in the forest, looking for something. And Tubbo sat down under a tree near the river, watching some fishes swim. Ranboo, on his side, was trying to find some flowers for Tubbo. He saw a couple of pink tulips next to a tree. He took them and made a quick flower crown. He managed to find his way back to Tubbo. Tubbo looked up at him and was surprised to see a flower crown made of pink tulips. Ranboo put the tulip crown gently on Tubbo's head. He blushed as he saw how cute Tubbo was. "Did you make that for me?" Tubbo asked as he stood up. Ranboo just nodded. Tubbo flew up to his cheek and left a kiss on it. Ranboo became even redder (If it's possible) "Thank you so much boss man" Tubbo said with a smile on his face.

They continued walking, flying for Tubbo. The sun set and the night have now come. They saw a village, it was Ranboo's village. Ranboo was happy but then looked Tubbo. "You know, since it's the night, you could join me to my house and you could stay there as long as you want" Ranboo said happily to Tubbo. "But I don't want to bother-""You aren't going to be a bother and to be honest, I'm all alone in my house and I would like to have some company" Ranboo cut Tubbo off and took his hand. Tubbo smiled and nodded. They both headed to the village.

Finally they arrived at Ranboo's house, they entered in and Ranboo locked the door. "My bedroom and my bathroom are upstairs, the kitchen and the living room are downstairs." Ranboo explained "You can also borrow some of my clothes". "Okay and thanks again for letting me stay." Tubbo said. "You're welcome" Ranboo said as he went to the kitchen. "You can go take bath and take some of my clothes, if you want" he continued. "Really" Tubbo said and Ranboo just hummed in respond. Tubbo went upstairs and opened the first door he saw, it was Ranboo's bedroom. He noticed a closet, so he went to it and opened it to see some clothes, they were oversize compared to him but he still took some of them and went to the other room. And yes, it was the bathroom. After some time, he took a bath and changed his clothes. He was now wearing an oversized shirt of Ranboo, it was long to his tight and one of Ranboo's sweatpants. He placed his clothes on a chair in Ranboo's bedroom then went downstairs. When Ranboo saw him, he had a blush on his face; Tubbo in his clothes was making his heart melt. "D-Do you wa-want to ea-eat dinner with m-me" Ranboo stuttered nervously "Of course, I want to. I'm starving" Tubbo said excitedly. They sat down and Ranboo placed a plate of food on the table, then they ate peacefully and talking about random things to get to know each other.

After the diner, they went upstairs. They were in Ranboo's bedroom; Tubbo was looking through the window and Ranboo was changing his clothes. "Your village is beautiful, Ranboo" Tubbo said to Ranboo. "I know, but I prefer when it's the night" Ranboo replied. Tubbo turned around and turned back almost immediately. He was a blushing mess because he just saw Ranboo shirtless. "I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean to look" Tubbo said while covering his face. "No, no, it's okay. I just didn't tell you that I was changing" Ranboo said as he changed his clothes quicker. "You can look now" Ranboo said. Tubbo turned around still a little bit red from earlier. "So where am I going to sleep?" Tubbo said quietly. "I can take the couch and you the bed" Ranboo propose to the bee. "No, I'm the guess so I'm the one who should sleep on the couch" Tubbo replied to the proposition but Ranboo insisted that he would be the one sleeping on the couch. "And what if we share the bed?" Tubbo said "If you are okay with it though". "Only if you are comfortable with that" Ranboo replied. "I won't mind" Tubbo replied back "Okay then" Ranboo said. They both were lying on the bed facing each other. "Goodnight, boo" Tubbo whispered softly as he fell asleep. "Goodnight bee" Ranboo said as he covered them both with a warm blanket and fell asleep too.

In the morning, Tubbi wake up with the feeling of strong arms around him, it was Ranboo and he was already awake. "Good morning bee, how did you sleep" Ranboo asked the bee hybrid with a morning voice. "Morning boo, I slept really well" Tubbo replied. They were cuddling with each other and didn't want to pull away, they enjoyed cuddling. But then the door suddenly opened, and a blond boy appeared and yelled "GOOD MORNING, RANBOO". But then he realized that there was someone in the bed, cuddling with him. "WHAT THE F*CK-"

The last bee hybrid _Beeduo story_Where stories live. Discover now