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The trio was walking through a forest; they were going to the Pride kingdom. After some hours of walking, it was starting to get dark. They decided to stop and put down their tents. Tommy had his own and Ranboo and Tubbo shared one. They light a campfire and sat around it while Ranboo was cooking a mushroom soup with the mushrooms he got from Kinoko kingdom. After they ate, Tommy said that he was tired so he went to his tent, leaving Tubbo and Ranboo alone.

"So where were you earlier?" Ranboo asked Tubbo. "I don't know really know, some part of Kinoko kingdom that no one knew I guess" Tubbo replied as he looked down. Ranboo looked at him with concerned eyes. "Are you okay bee?" Ranboo asked "I'm sorry" Tubbo mumbled "what did you say?" Ranboo said as Tubbo looked at him. "I'm sorry, sorry for making you so worried" Tubbo replied. Ranboo held his cheek. "It's okay, you don't need to apologize for that" He said and Tubbo held his hand. They looked into each other's eyes. Ranboo was the one who leaned in first. Tubbo followed and they kissed. They kissed for a moment and eventually pulled away. "What does this make us" Ranboo asked. "Well, what do you want us to be?" Tubbo replied. Ranboo took a deep breath. "Since the first day I met you at the firework festival, I don't know if it was my heart that blow up or the fireworks. I tried to forget you but nothing worked. I actually fell in love with you, I want to stay with you and protect you forever. I love you, Tubbo" Ranboo said as he smiled. "I love you too, Ranboo" Tubbo said with a big smile on his face, he has never been as happy as that ever in his life. He was glad that the happiness came from the one he loved the most. They kissed again this time getting deeper and they began to make out.

"GEEZ, CAN'T YOU GUYS WAIT UNTIL I FALL ASLEEP COMPLETELY TO F*CK" Tommy shouted from his tent. Tubbo and Ranboo blushed at that. "Sorry, Tommy" the couple said in sync, still red of embarrassment. They laughed and went inside their tent. They all slept peacefully, except Tommy, he had to listen to Tubbo and Ranboo flirting until he fell asleep.

The next morning, they packed their things up and continued their journey. They arrived to the pride kingdom and discovered a lot of romantic places. Ranboo went to a flower shop and bought Tubbo a giant flower –JUST KIDDING- it was just a big bouquet of multicolored flowers. Tommy was hanging out with some people he has met like a fox hybrid named Fundy and a fairy named Nikki. What was really surprising was that the trio met the king of Pride kingdom: the king Eret. Not like other kings, the king Eret was a king who was wearing dresses, there was nothing wrong about it, and to be honest he was stunning. (No one can prove me wrong about that)

They left the village after hanging out with the king and the others. They enjoyed that moment.

The last bee hybrid _Beeduo story_Where stories live. Discover now