𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 17

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It was nighttime but not many of the people of the Anjeon pack was sleeping. Word got out that Namjoon's mate had gone into labor. Lots of people prayed that good health would be given to the baby and that the mother shall be alright.

After two hours the people were informed of the good news. The heir has been born. A healthy male omega.

A very worried Alpha paced around in the hallway. He turned around when he heard the door open. Hoseok haven't even stepped out of the room and Namjoon was already in front of him.

"How are they?"

"They are fine, it all went well," said Hoseok making Namjoon sigh in relief.

Even though they were in good hands, Namjoon was still very nervous. Hearing that his mate and baby are healthy made it feel like he could finally breathe again.

"And you can go see them now," said Hoseok and stepped out of the door frame.

Namjoon thanked Hoseok and then entered the room. Hoseok closed the door, ensuring that the parents have some privacy with their newborn.

Namjoon smiled when his eyes landed on his mate. The moonlight of the full moon entered through big window and shined upon Jin. In his arms rested a small baby wrapped in a soft blanket. Jin looked up when Namjoon sat down on the bed. Jin looked beautiful even with his messy hair and red eyes.

"How are you feeling?"

"Happy so happy." Jin's eyes filled with tears. "I already love him."

The tears dropped from Jin's eyes. Namjoon gently wiped them away. He then turned his attention over to the small boy. The first thing Namjoon noticed was his chubby cheeks.

"I'm sorry it is an omega. You would have probably liked a strong alpha as an heir," said Jin making Namjoon's smile drop.

"No no he is perfect. In my eyes omegas and alphas are equal. They each have their own strengths and weaknesses. I am proud to have an omega as an heir."

"Oh...I thought you would be disappointed. I am sorry for just assuming," said Jin and glanced down at the sleeping baby in his arms.

"No need to apologize."

Namjoon lifted Jin's chin up with his fingers. Namjoon waited till Jin leaned closer before connecting their lips. Jin closed his eyes and kissed back. The kiss was short and sweet.

Namjoon hopes that there shall be a day when Jin realizes his overthought are just poisonous demons, made of nothingness. They are voices, but they are only feeding him lies. All he must do is continue to love him until Jin comes to understand that is no need for him to doubt his or his son's worth.

"Oh, I think he is waking up," said Jin making Namjoon look at the baby.

The baby moved a bit before his eyes fluttered open. Namjoon and Jin were shocked to see their baby's eyes. It was not the usual brownish eyes. It was blue, cerulean blue.

"His eyes- Joon it's incredible," said Jin, and Namjoon nodded in agreement.

Jin saw the flash of red in Namjoon's eyes while he looked at the baby. His wolf was ready to meet his child.

"Would you like to go first?"

Namjoon nodded, not taking his eyes off the baby. Jin carefully unwrapped the blanket from the baby. Namjoon took off his shirt and then took the fragile being into his hands.

Namjoon gently placed the baby on his bare chest. His eyes glowed an even brighter red as he released his pheromones. The baby's eyes become drowsy and then closed. The boy fell asleep, comfortable against the warmth of Namjoon's chest.

The baby kept inhaling the pheromones released by Namjoon. His wolf became familiar with the scent and will from now on recognize Namjoon as his father.
After a few minutes, the red in Namjoon's eyes faded away. He placed a kiss on his baby's head and then handed him back to Jin.

Jin took off his shirt as it was his turn to scent their baby. He slowly placed his baby on his bare chest. The baby moved a bit but then fell asleep again. Soon Jin's eyes lit up as he realized his pheromones. They were a gorgeous blue, gleaming like sapphire gemstones.

"Have you decided on a name yet?" asked Namjoon.

"Shouldn't you also get a say as it's your baby as well?"

"True but I haven't thought of any beautiful names. I trust you came up with one."

"Yes, I have." Jin glanced down at the sleeping boy. "How does Jimin sound."

"Jimin is a beautiful name, I love it," said Namjoon making Jin smile.

The next morning Namjoon's parents came to meet Jimin. They had the biggest smiles on their faces when they first held their grandson. Soon Hoseok and Yoongi also came to visit. They were all fascinated by Jimin's blue eyes. After all, it is the first sign of how unique he is as a purebred.

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