1- The man with a hand on his face

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A/N: Yes, it is I. I have decided to infiltrate—I mean, cross to Wattpad. The cover really shows the opposite of— whoops. ANYWAY, hope you enjoy for those who are reading this for the first time! The completed version's on AO3.

Fear is an emotion Izuku is well-acquainted with.

It is something he feels whenever he's in pain. It is there when Kacchan and his lackeys look down on him with eyes of pleasure and entertainment. It is there whenever he's in trouble, even when he isn't the one at fault.

Fear is an emotion that always lingers in the back of his mind, never disappearing. Never fading away.

He doesn't like it. No, not at all. But at the same time, he had expected this.

Maybe that's not a good thing, but there aren't a lot of good things in his life. He has no friends, was constantly bullied to the point where he was even suicide-baited, and never fails to go home with bruises on his face.

His mom noticed, but he didn't let her do anything about it other than tending to it. She is always worried about him, and was the only one who did.

Sure, she didn't support his dreams, but she tried. And that's what counts.

It's obvious to say that she's the best mom he ever had. Well, she's his only mom, but that's besides the point.

And when it comes to the good things, there's also the bad ones. It's constantly there, so much that he has gotten used to it by now.

Midoriya Izuku has feared a lot of things.

He had experienced more negative things than the good ones, which is why he isn't scared in certain situations when he should be. Situations where his life would be in danger (like bullying isn't one, ha).

Like how he met Shigaraki Tomura.

It doesn't take a genius to figure out that Shigaraki's a villain. The hatred in his eyes are all too familiar to him. Izuku isn't scared at all, in all honesty. He had faced too much to be afraid of a villain. In his eyes, a villain is just like everyone else; his bullies, his teachers, his classmates.

A villain is nothing compared to Kacchan.

He is used to everyone's eyes of hatred and disgust. Shigaraki's eyes are no different.

Shigaraki isn't concerned that a kid is on a roof for a long period of time either, when someone normal or good should be. He's a villain, alright.

Should he be running away? Maybe, but he's tired. It's been a long day, having his dreams crushed in an instant by a hero he had admired his whole life. Besides, this villain hadn't moved to attack him yet.

Even if he did, Izuku finds himself too numb to care anymore.

How did Shigaraki find him? Well, he said that he just so happened to find his ruined notebook on the floor (it must've fallen when Izuku was clinging onto All Might) near the building and saw him, who is coincidentally the owner of the notebook, on the rooftop.

To think that a villain of all people picked up his notebook... Izuku feels a little embarrassed. He must've seen what's in it.

The villain must've thought it was creepy—everyone did—but to his surprise, Shigaraki complimented him. He said that his analysis is impressive.

If this man isn't a villain, Izuku would've felt flattered.

As it was, he instead feels... confused. Doubtful. But no matter how he feels about this, he can tell the man is not lying. Still, it feels strange to get a compliment from a villain.

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