4- The girl who likes blood and knifes

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The first thing Izuku hears coming out of Toga Himiko's mouth is that she wants to be in the league because of Stain.

Because of course it has to be him. Who else would it be?

Also that she likes to stab and would like to kill the Hero Killer. It's unsettling, since she's around his age. She really likes blood, so he assumes that she has a quirk that had to do with blood. Turns out, he's right.

Toga have a transformation quirk. By ingesting blood, she becomes the person the blood belongs to. How long she can maintain it depends on the amount of blood she takes. She tells him that one cup equals a day.

He's not sure why she tells him that, but hey, it's good to know. It's useful. He'll store it in his notebook somewhere.

Izuku thinks that's a great quirk. It's perfect for spy duty. She can infiltrate any place. As long as she gets the blood of the person, she can use it as a disguise. Her quirk is cool. It's too bad that people decide to see it as weird and creepy instead.

Shigaraki likes her quirk too, considering how many spy games he had played. He doesn't say it, but it's kinda obvious.

Toga called Izuku cute when she first sees him (and is the most excited to see him since Stain acknowledged him), which made him blush. No one, much less a girl his age, has called him cute before.

She is the first girl he actually talks to. The girls in his middle school have no interest in a quirkless nobody. No one did, unless they were picking on him.

His blush didn't go unnoticed (which was embarrassing), and Toga coos and calls him Greenie.

And proceeds to stab him, 'cause she likes blood. Izuku is able to dodge the knife on time and sighs in relief. This is going to be an ongoing thing, isn't it?

Shigaraki snorts when he heard the name while watching all this happen and he said to him, "Hey, that suits you. Maybe that should be your villain name."

Izuku rolls his eyes. "Sure."

He never cared about his villain name in the first place, so he couldn't care less what it will be.

He sees Toga cheer in delight. Welp, guess Greenie is my villain name now. There's that.

He sighes in resignation while Shigaraki chuckles, clearly finding this amusing. Kurogiri also sighs at the whole interaction. Well, they were trying to kill each other a few minutes ago.

It's kinda weird that he's saying that so causally.

Shigaraki was rather against Toga joining since he hates Stain (as much as he likes her quirk), but reluctantly agreed to it since it looks like Toga wasn't going to take no for an answer. And oh boy, she was not.

So Toga officially joins the league.

The girl cheers, and Izuku knows, for someone who have a lot of hyper energy, she's going to fit in with the league nicely.

He can't be the only one to cut the tension around here every time. Having someone who has a lot of energy to make things bright and fun is going to help a lot.

For obvious reasons, Shigaraki and Toga doesn't get along well. But Toga is a persistent girl, willing to talk to him even if he is deliberately avoiding her.

Izuku knows that, sooner or later, Shigaraki is going to open up. And it's not because he wants to.

Toga and Kurogiri gets along pretty well, surprisingly. He thought that Kurogiri wouldn't be able to tolerate Toga's hyper energy, but from the looks of it, he looks like he actually likes that she is energetic.

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