6- With blades and stains

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Spinner, Spinner, Spinner.

At first glance, he can tell right away he has a lizard quirk. Green scales and a tail. A gecko, specifically.

At second glance, he can tell that he is very much a Stain fan. It's obvious. The guy uses a blade as his main weapon, just like Stain does, and even wears a red scarf. Again, just like Stain does. It was so obvious to the point where it's almost painful to look at.

Almost, because Izuku doesn't hate nor like Stain, but Shigaraki does have a strong opinion on the killer.

Shigaraki, who hated Dabi because he's a Stain fan, hates Spinner even more because Spinner is a much more devoted Stain fan than Dabi is. Dabi, on the other hand, welcomed Spinner with open arms.

The arsonist was, to say the least, excited to meet a fellow Stain fan, aside from Himiko.

She was a little annoyed by that, but didn't say anything otherwise.

Izuku has never seen Dabi that happy before. He and Himiko had to rub their eyes to make sure they weren't hallucinating or from another reality. Much to say, it was surreal to see Dabi looking like he won a lottery.

It was almost creepy.

Of course, Shigaraki had to tolerate Spinner. All the future members are here because of Stain, and if he doesn't let them join because of that, then all those potential members would go bye bye. Members are needed in order for the league to grow and gain power.

It was a necessity.

Thus, Spinner joins the league.

And obviously, the fighting didn't stop. Shigaraki still hates Stain for who knows what reason. Probably because the Hero Killer admires All Might. Who knows honestly.

It took a while for Spinner and Shigaraki to stop fighting each other. For everyone to stop fighting each other. It was a difficult struggle, but it finally happened. And now they're only fighting verbally.

You know, yelling and insults.

Not the worst, but not the best either.

It was nice to not have the bar getting destroyed, but the arguments (more like shouting) were not. There were quirk threats (which were just empty taunts) and many things being broken, burned, and disintegrated to dust. Kurogiri is not pleased.

The bar is a mess, but the building itself remains unscathed.

Well, at least we still have a door... and a roof, he thinks, feeling tired.

It was kind of a miracle that the damage didn't go beyond that.

This all happened within a few minutes. A few minutes, and too much has already happened. Izuku didn't do anything, since, well, he didn't want to get burned. Or get disintegrated. Or get yelled at.

He's used to loud noises, but that didn't made the experience any less pleasant.

He prefers to stay away, thank you.

And now, at the moment, nothing has changed. They all (excluding him and Kurogiri) are still arguing about their goals and their morality, yelling and threatening at each other.

Izuku couldn't focus.

"Why? Didn't you agree to killing fake heroes? Stain thought the same! Why do you hate him?!"

"I hate Stain!"

"Oh my Stain! Why!"

He can feel his veins popping on his forehead. He grips on his notebook more tightly.

His opinions (on the league)Where stories live. Discover now