2- The Misty Bartender

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When Izuku first sees Kurogiri, he thinks he looks cool. Why wouldn't he be thinking that? Not everyone would look like him! It's definitely because of his quirk.

He's itching (not in the way Shigaraki says his neck is itching) to find out what Kurogiri's quirk is. And the moment he gets the opportunity to, he asks him a bunch of questions. He didn't give him a chance to answer any of them back and continues to ask more and more.

He was too caught up in his ramblings to notice Kurogiri looking at him, blinking.

Shigaraki chuckles from behind while playing his game, and that small laugh snaps Izuku out of it. He isn't sure if the man-child is laughing at him or at the game itself.

He looks at Kurogiri and sees the man is overwhelmed. He has done it again, hasn't he? He bit his lip. He can't just shut his mouth for one day, huh?

In a panic, he immediately apologizes. Shigaraki laughs again, this time, louder. He's still playing his game and is not looking away from it.

"You're like a robot, brat," he says, amused.

So Shigaraki is laughing at him.

"No need to apologize, Midoriya," Kurogiri said, shaking his head while cleaning a glass cup. "I will gladly answer any of your questions."

Izuku blinks, surprised. Wow. What a polite person.

If he didn't know any better, he would've only assume he's a bartender (since he is dressed up in a suit and he is in a bar), nothing else. He wouldn't even think that Kurogiri's a villain. He didn't think that villains could ever be this polite.

Then again, he has learned to not judge based on appearances nor by their role.

(Like how Eraserhead's a teacher in U.A. U.A! He who looks like he couldn't deal with children and teenagers is a teacher! The attack on the USJ was something, to say the least.)

He wished his teachers in Aldera were like him. It would've been nice to not get accused to every little thing for once. It would've made things easier.

If Kurogiri was his teacher, would he have stopped Kacchan from hurting him? Or would he be like them too?

Izuku sighs. It's not like he'll know the answer to that. But he hopes the bartender will be different from them. Just like how Shigaraki is.

Regardless, he asks Kurogiri his questions again, this time slowly, and he is amazed by the answers he gets. Fascinated. Wow. Just wow.

Warp gate.

What a rare quirk.

Not many quirks that are considered heroic nowadays have to do with transportation (or teleportation), so a quirk like Kurogiri's is hard to find. He considers himself extremely lucky to witness such a quirk in person.

He didn't think he'll ever get the chance to, but here he is. Being a villain has helped him, more than he thought it would.

It could help him even more.

Kurogiri's quirk allows him to make a purple-looking gate. He can open portals to places he has to the coordinates to, which is extremely useful. As long as he has the coordinates, he can basically go anywhere at any time.

Again, that is so useful and cool.

If he has the coordinates to every landmark in the world, he could go there. He could explore the entire world. It's crazy to think about. A bit overpowered, in a way.

Izuku wonders if there's any limits to his quirk. He hasn't felt so excited about quirks in a while. He always had to keep his mouth shut in front of others.

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