3- With teeth and no eyes, you made me your pawn

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Izuku and Shigaraki were playing games together like always before Shigaraki blurts out of nowhere that 'sensei' wants to meet him.

If Izuku was drinking something, he would've choked on it.

Instead, he stops clicking on the game controller. He turns and looks at Shigaraki to elaborate more on that, but the man-child refuses to look away from the game.

Izuku sighs. So much for getting answers. He knew this will happen eventually, but not that early! He was secretly hoping he would never meet the man. And of course, his hopes went on deaf ears.

"When?" He asks, slumping in utter defeat.

It would be best to get it over with, he suppose. He is only delaying the inevitable.

Kurogiri is the one who answers his question because of course Shigaraki is too busy playing his game. His obsession is out of this world, really. "Now. I believe you don't want to keep master waiting for too long."

Izuku twitches. Oh how the world just loves to mess with me. He sighs again. He's still not looking forward to see who this 'sensei' is.

From what he heard from Shigaraki and Kurogiri, 'sensei' is powerful. He has the power to give and take away quirks, which is too overpowered in his humble opinion. Oh, and he fought All Might once (damn!) and he's like over a hundred years old. Like, seriously, what the hell!? Without a doubt 'sensei' has a longevity quirk. And regeneration.

There is a reason why Kurogiri is afraid of 'sensei,' and Izuku knows why.

He is going to meet this 'sensei' who had fought All Might before and lived. Not unscathed, but he survived nonetheless. Izuku knows that the battle between them was a fight to the death. They were intent on killing each other.

Oh, the things heroes do to maintain peace.

He is going to meet a powerful villain. He is going to meet the Boogeyman of the Underground.

Izuku has heard rumors of him from time to time. Like some of them, he didn't believe that he is real. Now, he does.

He can't deny it. The proof is right here, in the form of Shigaraki and Kurogiri, who works under the rumored man.

He is going to meet someone who could kill him with a flick of a finger. It's that easy. After all, what can a quirkless boy do against a man with multiple quirks?

Izuku shivers at the thought of him getting so easily killed. Alone, and without his mom to be aware of it. Without anyone being aware of it.

He can see that his mom is still looking for him, but he made sure that he stayed well hidden. He made his choice the moment he joined Shigaraki, and he's not going to back down now. Doing so would be cowardly. 

Does he think he's going to die? Yeah, likely.

(Years of wanting to die or everyone telling him to made him think that he's going to die easily, even though he won't die at the moment.)

(Only at the moment.)

But he has a goal now, and dying wouldn't benefit anyone. Especially himself. He's an analyst, and he needs to stay alive to keep doing that role.

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