10- His resolution

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A/N: You have been warned. Things will get real dark.

Wearing a voice changer everyday really strains the throat. It makes it dry and difficult to speak. Dying his hair all the time is annoying, and at this point, it is a chore he doesn't want.

So he takes the voice changer out and stops dying his hair. It doesn't matter if the members of the Meta Liberation Army (now called the Paranormal Liberation Front) finds out who he is. He knows that the heroes already did. Adding the army to the list wouldn't change a thing.

Surely, by now, the heroes have told his mother what he's doing. Surely, she knows that he's a villain. Would she be worried, devastated, or... would she be disappointed in him?

What she thinks wouldn't change what has already happened, but he hopes she isn't going to change. He hopes she still loves him, still sees him as her son.

After all, she's the only one who did.

His hair slowly changes back to the original green, and his voice is back to the squeaky one he has. He doesn't like how squeaky he sounds, but hey, at least his throat is no longer suffering. Gotta say, what a relief.

From now on, no more voice changers. There's no point in using it now.

The league notices the change immediately, but chose to not say anything about it. Knowing them, it's likely because they want to see how the members of the Paranormal Liberation Front will react.

They like to be entertained from time to time, and Izuku isn't going to ruin the opportunity. Besides, he wants to see their reaction too.

The members of the army, like Skeptic, thought he was an intruder when they first saw him. You know, without the mask on and everything. To them, there shouldn't be any kid in the building, so they thought he was an enemy. Izuku panicked a little, 'cause there is no way he could take out that much people at once. Thankfully, at that time, he had the voice changer on him, so he takes it out, puts it on, and spoke.

Izuku had to admit, their reactions were priceless.

There were faces of shock, surprise, and apologies. There was no need for them to be sorry, really. They weren't expecting (nor did they know) Greenie to be a kid—one who is far too smart for his own good. They were impressed that he's that smart for his age, a few were excited even, and some of them looked... horrified for some reason? Not partially in a bad way, but it was strange. Nobody has even been scared of Izuku before.

He blushes at the compliments he's getting. He swears he is going to get teased by Dabi and Toga for this again. He bet he's not getting used to this even after five years.

"I can't believe I was afraid of this kid," Skeptic says, looking at him up and down. Izuku couldn't tell what he's thinking. Skeptic then ruffles his hair, making it even more bushier as it already is. "Wow, your hair's soft."

Someone smacks him on the head.

"Ow! What was that for?!"

"For being creepy, that's what."

"Um, I think we should fear him, boss. I'm terrified," One of them says.

"No wonder why he is called Greenie. Everything about him screams green."

"Looks like a cinnamon roll, but can actually kill you. That's the perfect description of him," another one says, nodding. Someone from the far back snorts.

"That sounds so accurate! Holy shit!" A third one says.

"Why are you people like this?" Skeptic mumbles.

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