5- The arsonist who hates Endeavor so much it's on a personal level

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When he sees Dabi entering the bar for the first time, he thinks to himself, Is he okay??

Izuku has a fair experience with scars. Fire, or anything related to it, tends to let itself be known. He has one, and just looking at it brings back bad memories. He may not have as much (and as big) scars as Dabi has, but scars hurts.

Scars aren't always a good thing. It's a result from a bad experience. Which is why he is concerned with the amount of scars Dabi has. Just how many bad experiences did he face to get so much?

The scarred man notices his worried expression, and frowns. He's probably confused why Izuku is looking at him like that.

He blurts out, "It must've hurted."

He shuts his mouth immediately. Maybe he shouldn't have said that. The last thing he needed is for the arsonist to burn him alive.

Dabi thankfully didn't get mad and instead, he stays confused, so Izuku points at his scars to clarify. The man's face lit up in understanding, looks at him, and stayed silent for a few seconds.

"...Yeah, it did," he finally said. Izuku smiles sadly at him. What physical scars wouldn't hurt?

Shigaraki hurls, sticking his tongue out. "Ugh, this is too heartwarming."

Well, he thinks, sighing. There goes the good atmosphere. Thanks Shigaraki.

Himiko giggles, clearly enjoying this said heartwarming moment. Kurogiri thinks the same too, based on his relaxed face.

Izuku snorts, holding a cup of orange juice. It's cold, but he likes it that way. After he takes a sip, he said, "I guess it is."

Dabi, however, didn't take Shigaraki's comment lightly. He snarls, saying, "Then use your hand to cover your eyes and ears, handyman." And then proceeds to roll his eyes at him.

Shigaraki glares at him while Himiko tries to cover her laughter. It doesn't work.

Kurogiri shakes his head. "No fighting you two. I, much less master, would appreciate the bar not getting burned and disintegrated. The last thing we all need is for heroes to be on our tails."

Izuku nods, agreeing with him. He thinks he and Kurogiri are the only ones with a functional brain here. And the only ones who are rationally sane.

Dabi and Shigaraki settle down at that, but still glare at each other. Kurogiri, who sees that his words had no effect—at least, not one that he wanted—sighs and chooses to focus on cleaning the shelves behind him instead.

What a mood, Izuku thinks, continuing to drink his orange juice.

He sighs too (again) as he writes on his notebook. Dabi and Shigaraki never got along, mainly because of the way they see Stain. Again.

It's like the situation with Himiko, but more intense.

It always goes back to the Hero Killer. While Shigaraki hates Stain, Dabi admires him and wishes to fulfill his ideals.

Aside from their ideals and goal, they're actually pretty similar in terms of personality. They're both snarky and quick-witted. If they work together, they'll make quite a team.

Izuku thinks they would get along if they leave Stain out of the picture.

They fought on several occasions, and he, Kurogiri, and Himiko were always the one who had to stop them. I mean, who else would? The sight of fire in an open area is easy to see from a distance, so stopping them before it gets noticed was a must. Although Himiko would sometimes join the fight too...

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