~Chapter 19 We Need To Get Rid Of Him

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David POV

Without a second thought, I quickly closed the file. Stood up and ran to Wildcat's room, not realizing that I still had the file in my hand. Once I was in the room, I panicked, throwing the file underneath the bed. Hoping he wouldn't look under there, I then sat on the bed. My heart pounding in my chest, so his name is Tyler, I thought. I was contemplating what I had just done, why did I do this.

Now I was worried what would come of this new information I just obtained. I laid down on the bed and layed their for who knows how long but this time. I was sure it was hours that I just stared at the ceiling. I rolled to my side, closing my eyes, hoping to forget what I just did.

Wildcat POV

"Thanks Brock" I muttered, "it's no problem, just take care" he whispered. Giving me a tap on my shoulder, trying to comfort me on my way out. I walked out of the medical bay, walking towards my room until I stopped dead in my tracks. I could hear chatting in Vanoss' room, they must of gotta back already. I paused, how long was I talking to Brock, I shook that thought off though. When I heard David's name, my eyes widened as I quietly moved closer to the door.

I leaned against the door, to get a better listen to what was happening. "Don't you see, he's becoming a problem, I mean..have you seen how Wildcat looks at him...listen Delirious we can't keep him, Wildcat is already getting too attached to him...next thing you know, it's the whole Mini situation all over again..." Vanoss stated. I furrowed my eyebrows at Mini's name being mentioned, "you can't deny the way he looks at him, he's looking at him the same way he looked at Mini, if we don't get rid of him now while we still have a chance than Wildcat is gonna start acting haywire" Vanoss whisper shouted. My heart was pounding, "Vanoss, you can't do this again, not again, I'm not gonna just stand here and let you bury another person he loves" Delirious rejected. "But you know I put these rules up for a reason, if they don't listen they will pay the price" Vanoss warned. "I can't let another fool try and hold down another person's true potential, if Wildcat gets attached to him, he's only gonna get distracted on his missions and we need him to focus, our territory is at risk right now" Vanoss argued.

"Yeah, I know that Evan but David has actually been making him happy, I haven't seen him that way since Mini died" Delirious said. "Plus, David has amazing potential and you know it, didn't you see him with Squeaker...never in my life did I ever see Squeaker fall flat on his butt" Delirious mentioned. "That doesn't matter, we have everyone we need, David is only a big distraction...Wildcat hasn't known him for very long and we can't just let him go, he knows to much, we need to get rid of him one way or another..." Vanoss said firmly. With those last words, I moved away from the door. My heart feeling as if it was pounding in my chest and a huge weight was put on my shoulders. I rushed to my room, seeing David sound asleep in my bed.

I locked the door behind me, putting my back against it. I pulled off my mask, setting it down on the desk. I walked over to David, staring at him for a moment as he slept. I didn't know what came over me, when an idea came into my mine. It was crazy but it was all I could think of, I just didn't want to see David get hurt. I didn't want him to die because of me....because I....because I fell in love with him.

All because I grew a fondness for him, I know they will kill him, they have no attachments on him. I sat on the edge of the bed sitting there, comtepting my options. I knew it would come to this, why did I make it so obvious that I liked David. It's in the fucking rules for crying out loud and I broke them....again. Of course we kept it secret but I knew it was wrong. Now, I'm in the same situation but this time, Evan's gonna be the one to kill him.

I just couldn't handle the thought, I just couldn't let that happen. Seeing the time, I knew they must of gone to sleep by now, after all, it was still night. Everyone has to be at least a little exhausted after the whole mission afterall. Getting up finally, I noticed that he had put the body armor to the side on the floor. Along with my jacket on the chair next to my desk, I stood up. Picking up the jacket, at this very moment, I made a decision.

I shook my head, I'm gonna regret this, I went back over to David. Shaking him awake, "David, wake up" I whispered, shaking him violently. David sat up in shock and even in the darkness, I could see his beautiful green eyes. "No time to explain, put the jacket on" I ordered, he quickly followed the command. Grabbing his hand I pulled him up out of the bed. "Make sure to put your shoes on" I told him and he quickly did.

David then went over to cling onto my arm, "where are we going" he asked as I unlocked the door and looked down the hallway. "As I said before, no time to explain" I said as I pulled him closer to me if possible. I wrapped an arm around his waist as I lead him to the garage. I then pushed him closer to my motorcycle handing him a black helmet while I grabbed my blue helmet. Opening the garage, I pushed the motorcycle out, closing the garage behind me as David stay by my side. "Come on, put the helmet on and get on" I hurried him.

David then gave me a worried look, "I've....I never rode a motorcycle before..." David muttered nervously. "Don't worry, nothing's gonna happen to you...you trust me" I asked, reaching my hand out to him. He smiled and put the helmet on, accepting my hand. I then helped him get on before getting onto the motorcycle myself. I smiled to myself as he wrapped his arms around my waist. This is so wrong, I'm gonna get into so much trouble but do I even have a choice.

Without a second thought to even consider the voices telling I should just turn back. I drove, never stopping until I made it to the city. The lights were bright as I kept going before after a couple long minutes. We finally made it to our destination, somehow I noticed that David was holding me even tighter when we arrived. Turning off my motorcycle, I gently put my hand on the arms that wrapped me up. With the gentle squeeze of my thumb, David got the signal and finally released me.

I hopped off my motorcycle and helped David get off safely. Taking off both our helmets and putting them on the motorcycle's handles. I held his hand as I pulled him to the front door, glancing back at him. He held a speechless face as he stared at the house in front of him. "I'm.....I'm h-home" David shuddered while on the verge of tears. I smiled softly at him, all of a sudden I was taken off guard, when I was pulled into a embrace.

My eyes widen before slowly falling into the embrace myself. I took a minute before finally pulling away. David stared up at me with innocent filled eyes, "ye.....ye did this..for me" he questioned. Tears sliding down the sides of his face, I nodded with a smile. Then out of nowhere, the most unexpected thing happened.

His soft pink lips, pushed against mine.

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