~Chapter 3 Those Mysterious Eyes

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David POV

Vanoss held my wrist tightly, I guess just incase I decide to make a run for it. It didn't really bother me, it just stinged a little. "Wildcat, come here" Vanoss said gesturing Wildcat to come.

I was then realized they were wearing masks. Wildcat was wearing a pig mask with a white helmet while Vanoss wore a owl mask. "What do you want" Wildcat spat crossing his arms, looking frustrated as ever. "Your going to show David around the base" Vanoss said pushing me to Wildcat. "What, why me" Wildcat yelled in protest. "Well because I said so....and since your co-leader, I trust you to show him around and plus, I think it would be best if you get to know your new roommate" Vanoss said with light chuckle at the end.

I opened my mouth to complain but quickly shut it and let out a heavy sigh. "WHAT..why is he my roommate" Wildcat yelled once more, throwing his hands in the air. "Well because we don't have any more rooms that he can stay in and you have the biggest room" Vanoss stated trying to show his point. "But I only have one bed, I am not sharing a bed with him" Wildcat shouted in protest. "We'll buy him a bed soon, you're just going to have to share for a little while" Vanoss said gesturing a little, like it was no biggie. Is he really making us sleep in the same bed. "I'm sorry but I think that is a big focking no for me" I started to argue as well. "You have no right to talk to me like that" Vanoss stated firmly, pointing a finger at me.

Who does this guy think he is, telling me what to do and what I can't say. "First of all, ye guys were the ones who kidnapped me, so don't ye think I should have a say" I shouted louder than I meant to, realization hit me and I quickly put my hands over my mouth. What am I thinking, of course I don't have a say, I've been kidnapped and now I'm yelling at my kidnappers' leader. A person that can most likely, easily kill me in seconds.

Vanoss took a deep breath before looking me straight in the eye, I swear, I might as well just die right now. Vanoss sigh before letting out a slight chuckle. "You got guts David...but for real, Wildcat will show you around and you're going to be roommates and that's final, understood" Vanoss asked, looking at the two of us but mostly at Wildcat for some reason.

Wildcat sighed, "understood" Wildcat grumble and turned to me. "Come on" he said under his breath and grabbed my wrist roughly, pulling me to a hallway. My wrist stinged like it was on fire, I hissed in pain yanking my hand away.

Wildcat POV

I turned to David angrily but my anger quickly turned into confusion. David groaned while rubbing his wrists, I quickly spotted the red marks on them. I rushed to David's side to see what was the problem.

David stared at me with innocent eyes, which cause me to stare for a moment. I looked away and down at his wrists, I gently grabbing his wrists cupping them in my hands. Examining them, my thumb trailed on the red marks and I seen him wince a little.

I sighed and looked at David but then for some reason, I was caught up in his eyes. They looked so........mysterious, they shined like emeralds at the bottom of a greenish brown swamp. They looked like they were holding secrets deep within them.

I quickly shook myself out of my thoughts, "umm...you should go to the medical bay, Moo may have stuff that can probably help you with your burn" I suggested in a surprisingly soft tone. He just looked away not saying a word and so I just lead him to medical bay.

~Time Skip

Once we finally made it to the medical bay, as expected Moo was there. He was sorting somethings on his table, I have no clue what. "Hey Moo, the new guy needs some medical care for a burn on his wrist" I said and Moo jumped from my voice. I chuckled but quickly went back to being serious.

Vanoss told us to keep our mask on just in case........buuut, since Moo is our medic he had no mask, the only mask he had was one of those regular face masks that doctors' sometimes wear. "Oh..okay, um..David, can you just sit on that table just over there, I will get to you shortly, I just need some stuff to attend to your burn" he instructed while going to the cabinet and grabbing some supplies.

I didn't feel like staying so I just walked out and let Moo do his thing. A thought then popped in my head, well, David's eyes popped in my head. I just couldn't get over them, it's just something about them that looks so mysterious. It just looked like they were hiding a deep and dark secret but before I could think about it any further. I felt a light tap on my shoulder, I turned to see those eyes again.

I sighed and looked down at his loosely bandaged wrist. "Come on" I mumbled gesturing him to follow me, which he did and I showed him around the whole base, well except for the restricted area.

Sorry this is a bit short, I will try my best to make them longer than this one. Anyways, what is up with David's eyes. Are they really holding a secret, if so, what are they hiding. Also, what is this restricted area Wildcat is thinking about, guess you'll have to find out in future chapters. Bye, Bye.😯👋


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