~Chapter 23 Time Capsule

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Terroriser POV

My eyes widened at Marcel's words, "what do ya mean they're gone" I shouted with worry. "I mean they're gone, they've poofed, WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK GONE MEANS" Basically screamed at me. "Well they couldn't have gone far from the base, Wildcat wouldn't ditch us.....would he" the confidence in my words slowly disappearing. "Yeah, I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation, Wildcat wouldn't ditch us especially with a mission as important as this one coming up...he won't abandon us or the mission, he'll come back soon I'm sure of it" Brock said hopefully. There was a silence that filled the room, drowning almost everyone inside. "And if he doesn't" Delirious muttered, "NO, there's no way in hell Wildcat would run away with that guy" Lui protested.

I glanced up at Lui with a sympathetic stare, "and what if the bastard did......what then" I asked. "We need him, no matter what the rest of yall say....he's apart of this group and he will always be" I informed firmly. I stood up from the meeting table, "and I can't stand here knowing my friend is out there somewhere, in danger or not, he's apart of BBS, our family and so I refuse to turn my back on him" I grumbled as I left the meeting room. Not even feeling bothered to hear what they had to say. Leaving the meeting room to head to my bedroom to think things over.

Wildcat POV

After David's nightmare last night, I stayed by his side almost all day. I was making lunch when he came up by my side. I hummed as I looked over him, giving him my attention. "Wildcat, I'm gonna go outside for a bit, need to check something" David whispered. I raised an eyebrow, a bit skeptical before nodding. "Okay, just come back soon, it won't be long before the guys come looking for you, we need to get on the move and soon" I explained.

Who knows how long it would take before they come looking and find us at his house. "Okay, I'll be in me backyard if ya need me" David replied as he hurried along. I thought it was quite weird how he looked so in a rush to leave the house. Almost in a panic, maybe it was just about my comment about BBS. I definitely don't think he wants to go back there again. So as soon as I finished making some breakfast.

Putting down the plates for the grilled cheese sandwich, grilled to perfection. I went outside to look for David, "David, breakfast is ready, we need to go soon" I called out, hearing nothing in return. I raised an eyebrow in questioned as I went out the door instead of standing in the doorway. "David" I called out more slowly as I looked around the backyard. David was no where in sight, he didn't bail on me, did he. No, he couldn't have, not after he stubbornly refused to allow me to leave the first time.

I put my hands on my hips as I scanned the area with my eyes. That's when I noticed it, I quickly went over to the hole in the ground. It wasn't very deep but it was deep enough to hide something. I couldn't tell if he was hiding something or digging up something. But from the way it seemed like there was growing grass on top of the dirt that's been pulled out. I put my bet on he was digging something up but it was never opened.

It had a lock on it, so where did he, I paused for a moment. As I looked to my left just lightly when I noticed it. It was only a little bit but it was definitely blood, fresh blood too. A sense of panic ran through me, David was taken. But how did he get taken so fast, he was gone only minutes ago. Or at least I thought, Vanoss couldn't have tracked my location that fast.

Did he just guess I would take him here first if anything. Damn it, I'm so stupid, I took my eyes off him. I growled as I turned my hand into a fist, I swear Evan if you dare hurt him. I'll make you pay for it, I almost bolted away when I made a quick stop. I went back and picked up the small metal box from the ground. It look like a time capsule if anything but whatever David was trying to get, it must be important.

A flashback of the look of panic on his face as he left the house. It gave me dread, I should of known something was up. That look on his face said it all so just like that, I found myself beaming with fury. Next thing I knew, I was on my bike driving back to the base to give Evan a piece of my mind. As soon as I arrived, first thing I noticed was Lui and Brian arguing over something. Marcel tapped Brian's shoulder before proceeding to point at me.

Everyone got quiet at the presence of me, "where is he" I grumbled with a cold look on my face. No one answered as they looked between themselves, I squeezed my hand into a fist. "Where. Is. David..." I growled as I gritted my teeth. "I thought he was with you" Brock exclaimed as he looked up at me with disbelief. "Don't..LIE TO ME, Moo Snuckel" I shouted as I hit the wall, keeping eye contact. "Wildcat, we don't know where David is" Delirious spoke up.

I chuckled humorless, "OH, THEN WHO DID, who else could have kidnapped David, who else wanted him so badly that the second I took my eyes of him, he vanished out of thin air" I yelled. I stepped forward, "I know David didn't run away because that wouldn't explain the blood I found, so who is a kidnapping expert here, I believe that's your department isn't it Mr.Basically" I accused. "Wildcat, I did not touch David, none of us even knew where you went this morning" Marcel pleaded as he backed off. He knew I was the last person he wanted to piss off. "But wait, that doesn't make sense, how could David been kidnapped, how did they get pass are security" Brian blurted out, obviously confused. That's when it hit me, they weren't faking, they weren't the ones who kidnapped David.

"Then who-" I muttered as I thought back to the time capsule. I pulled it out of my bag as I placed it on the nearest table, I quickly grabbed a lock pick. Fumbling with lock, "what are you doing" Lui asked in his normal voice. I rolled my eyes as I picked the lock open, there was a moment in my mind that I thought of just busting the lock open. Until I heard the satisfying click and the lock was open. I pulled it off and tossing it to the side, please...please tell me something.

I lifted the lid of the metal box, revealing the contents inside. There was a wrist band but not just any wrist band, it was a wrist band that's given to patients in hospitals, looks worn out. A clover necklace, a charm maybe, with a silver chain. The words, "Don't Forget" engraved on the back of it. A photo of a young woman with a little boy standing beside her. He was smiling brightly towards the camera, the woman was wearing the same necklace.

She wore a shy smile, she was smiling but her eyes told a different story. She almost looked sympathetic, maybe even guilty. As she held the little boy's shoulder gently, the words, "I love you mum" written in sharpy but clearly faded and in bad handwriting at the bottom of the photo. I sighed as I put it to the side, "Come on, there must be someth-" I paused as I lifted up a license hidden underneath the photo. How, could he have this, it isn't possible I thought as I held the license in front of my face. The license in my hand, it's nothing that should just be laying around in David's belongings. My hands began shaking as my heart started racing, this wasn't David's license. . .

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2022 ⏰

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