~Chapter 5 I Knew There Was Something Off About His Eyes

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David POV

The warmth was so comforting, you couldn't imagine the disappointment I had when the warm started to leave me. I quickly clunk onto the warmth that sent the cold away. I wouldn't let go, I kept a strong grip on it.

I then heard a deep chuckle and someone trying to pry me away from the warmth. "Let go of me you koala bear" I heard a familiar voice groaned. I fluttered my eyes open and my eyes soon widen. I had my arms around Tyler's waist still having a strong grip, surprisingly. "Let go, I need to piss" he said trying once again to get out of my koala like grip. I released him to let him do his business while I just sat there thinking to myself.

I heard the shower turn on inside the bathroom a few minutes later and sighed. While he took a shower, I decided to look for something to wear. I walked inside his walk in closet, I looked through all of his clothes until I finally picked one out.

I changed in green comfortable shirt that said Puncake Store with a pancake in the middle. I thought it was really funny so I picked it. I also picked some black jeans and a nice pair of black shoes. Once I was done changing I step out the closet to see Wildcat already changed and wear that pig mask, again. I felt a bit irritated by it but in the ended I just shrugged it off.

Wildcat didn't say anything else to me this morning. We walked in silence to the, I guess, training area. I'm a bit nervous to tell you the truth. All I can hope for is that everything is going to be ok.

~Time Skip

"ALLLLRIGHT MEN, so we have a new gang member today, David" Vanoss announced gesturing to me. "But.....just because I said you get to join the group doesn't mean you actually joined the group yet" Vanoss said getting really close to my face. "W-what do ye mean by that" I stuttered in fear. "If you survive my tests you get to join the group" he stated and I felt my heart pounding in my chest harder with every word he said. "Do you think your up to the test" he said a bit darkly.

I took a deep breath, letting all my fear drift away. "I'm ready" I said with confidence, my eyes full of determination. Vanoss chuckled darkly and looked at a person with a monkey mask. He had his mask up a little to smoke a cigar. Once he noticed his leader's gaze toward him, he throw his cigar on the ground, stepping on it forcefully.

He was much shorter than the rest of them, I must say. Of course I'm taller than him since I was known to be a very tall person. "This is Squeaker" Vanoss said pointing to the smaller man. Squeaker was behind me while I stood still facing Vanoss. "For the first test, we must test your reflexes" he said twitched his head to the side, as if to signal somebody, I was going to just brush it off when Terrorizer yelled. "DAVID LOOK OUT" he yelled more like a scream.

With immediate reaction, I duck down and swung my right leg to the side tripping Squeaker who seemed to have a poket knife in his hand. I felt something pumping through my veins like I was injected with something that was giving me strength. I stomped on his arm, making him scream in pain and the pocket knife fell from his hand.

I don't know what was coming over me, I just felt empty, my emotions just turned completely dull. I stared down at the man they call Squeaker, I stared at him with emotionless eyes. I looked up at them and they all gasped with shock. I was starting to get dizzy for some reason, I put my hand to my forehead to feel it burning hot. I was now all of a sudden feeling weak and soon lost my balance and passed out.

Wildcat POV

I was actually impress when he tripped Lui. He quickly got back up and stomped on Lui's arm pretty hard and made him drop the pocket knife. I was sorta cringing a bit when Lui screamed in pain. He doesn't always get hurt and that scream sounded of pure pain. I want to step in and see if Lui was ok but Vanoss rose his hand at us to not but in.

I crossed my arms as I watch Lui struggle to get David's foot off him. He acted like it was an anvil on his arm. It was shocking to see how helpless and unable to squeeze his way out of this one. He maybe little but he's certainly a troublemaker that can almost find his way out of any problem.

I thought looking at the in pain Lui but before I knew it, David looked up at us. I was shocked to the core and I know everyone else was too. We all let out collective gasps as we all peered into his green slightly glowing eyes. It felt like the wind was kick out of me, I knew there was something off about his eyes. Well that just further my questioning even more.

In just a few seconds his eyes stopped glowing and he puts his hand to his forehead. To only in mere seconds later, fall and pass out on the ground. I don't know why but out of instinct, I rushed to David's side. I put the back of my hand to his forehead and it was burning hot, like he just came out of a sauna. I turned to Lui to see him already getting checked out by Moo.

Even though what I just seen was so shocking, I just acted like nothing happened...just like I always do. I knew David needed to get checked by a more experienced person. So I gently picked up David like I did when we first brought him here, bridestyle.

Lui was being escorted to the medical bay. My gaze than landed on Brock, he was looking at me with a soft smile. "Why are you smiling like that" I snapped at him. "Oh nothing, nothing" Brock said waving the subject away and I walked over to him with David close to my chest. "Can you check him" I asked and he nodded, "you can bring him to the medical bay, I'm was just about to head there anyway" he suggested and I nodded in understanding.

We walked together to the medical bay but all I could think about on the way there was if he was going to be okay or why was his eyes glowing like that. He interests me and it somehow very intriguing to tell you the true. He just full of mysteries and frankly, that's what I like about him.

He's different from the rest of my friends and I plan on finding out what is it, that make his eyes so special.

Why the heck is David's eyes glowing, what is he hiding. Is David going to be okay, what is the others going to think. How could this happen, how is it even possible! Well, I guess you'll have to find out next time, I hope ye enjoyed this chapter. Bye, Bye. 😶👋


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